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Sunday, March 26, 2006

1-3; Catch-22

Chapter Thirty – Six

            The Chaplain is dragged by military men to prison because of unspecified crimes. Then they let him go till they decide the punishment. He then goes to the colonel to ask that the number of missions be lowered. But the colonel gives him a half answer. And that they have replaced others that would be sympathetic to what the Chaplain is saying.

            These military commanders are no better than a two year old. Even my four year old brother would no when enough is enough. Instead they replace those with a conscious with those with an I.Q. of an infant, whose only thought is for their own gain and enjoyment. Pitiful.


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Posted by: Estel
1-2; Catch-22

Chapter Thirty – Five

            Nately finishes his missions, but won’t go home till he can take his whore with him. Yossarian is mad because that would mean that the number of missions will be raised. So Yossarian tries to stop it. In the end Nately and Dobbs are killed and the mission numbers go up to eighty.

            To have made the number and then to not go home, that is something I just can’t imagine. What’s worse to be killed on a mission you didn’t have to be on. That is a tragic situation.  


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Posted by: Estel
1-1; Catch-22

Chapter Thirty – Four

            Yossarian and Company get drunk over Thanksgiving, and Yossarian breaks Nately’s nose. In the morning the youngsters start shooting Machine guns, as a prank, and Yossarian gets his gun to get revenge. When Nately tries to stop him Yossarian break his nose yet again. Nately goes to the hospital and Yossarian apologizes.

            Only idiots would fire machine guns in camp for a prank. I would have had them hanging from their toes for a week for doing such a thing. I sure hope this isn’t the depiction of real military life. That would be horrible.


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Posted by: Estel
Sunday, March 19, 2006

10-3; Catch-22

Chapter Thirty – Three

            Nately’s whore is falling in love with Nately. Nately wants her and her sister to move back to the states, where they could become a family. Nately’s whore is outraged that she wouldn’t be able to do her line of work, so they argue. In the end Yossarian breaks Nately’s nose for her. 

            I don’t agree with whores work, but I am glad she is finding some happiness. Maybe if she stops she can help Nately from being so insane. But it probably won’t work.

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Posted by: Estel
10-2; Catch-22

Chapter Thirty – Two

            Yossarian’s Roommate is dead so the officers assign him four new, young officers. Who insist on calling him Yo-Yo and make him feel murderous. When the new people start changing things Yossarian panics and flees for Rome.

            Yossarian deserves to have those idiots in his tent. He’s and idiot himself he can handle it. I’m surprised they let him leave though. The officers just let him go to Rome because he wanted to.


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Posted by: Estel
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