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Sunday, March 12, 2006

9-3 Catch 22

This is so a rip off of top gun! Well sort of... I feel so horrible. This made me want to cry! Brings back bad memories of that blasted, greatest of all time, movie. A guy is tring to show off and he accidentally kills someone. And then he pulls a John Denver and crashes his plane into the mountain. This is so depressing!

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Posted by: Cooper6390
9-2 Catch 22

Now maybe its just guys. I know that girls when they don't like someone they can go their whole life time without having to talk about them or enjoy the other person... Now guys can be in a fight and the next minute be a good friend to the person. This is what happens in the story. yar and Orr finally talk things out and now they quite enjoy eachother even though yar really didn't care for him at the start of the story.

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Posted by: Cooper6390
9-1 Catch 22

Ever been at the end of your rope? Well In this story Yar is... Before someone was trying to plan on killing the colonel and Yar made him not do it... Well now Yar likes the plan. It's a  shame that people will do anything to get out of their responsibilities.

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Posted by: Cooper6390