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Sunday, April 2, 2006

3-3 Catch 22

Now this would make a great movie. Okay so let me set the scene for you. Yar has just refused to fly missions. His commander lets him go to Rome. Yar tells Nately's whore that he was killed. So she tries to kills him with a potato peeler. But it gets better. She has a little sister who also joins in on stabbing him. So he was gettin stabbed by a little girl and an older woman. Now they don't do a whole lot of damage but he gets pretty beat up. Now maybe it's just me but i thought that was hilarious!

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
3-2 Catch 22

Well sometimes the innocent are caught in the crossfire between bad people doing bad things. An example is where the chaplain is accused for forging letters and a bunch of other various crimes. Now this is very unfair because he is a man of the cloth and he wouldnt commit crimes. Yar was the one who did but the chaplain is getting in trouble for them.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
3-1 Catch 22

Now this is a true example of love. Nately has finished all of the reuquired missions neccassary to go home. But he continues to fly other missions because of his lover. He wants her to come with him but he cannot take her unless he flies even more missions.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
2-3 Catch 22

This is pretty woman all over again! In this part of the sotry this guy has a whore and he really falls for her. It is just that when he says that she cant do that anymore she gets furious. But the sad thing is this doesn't end with a happily ever after. He leaves and she misses him.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
2-2 Catch 22

Now this is just nasty!!!! This grossed me out so bad when I read this. The guy who died in the plane crash, hes legs are still there and no one will go and retrieve them. How sick is that?

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
2-1 Catch 22

I guess in life if you lie to get away with things there is always a conciquence. Look at the Doc for instance. he lied that he was in the air when a plane crash occured. He was believed to be dead. His wife moved away and he was left all alone with no one because of a simple lie....

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
Monday, March 13, 2006

Ms. Conley this is not a blog I just forgot your email Please read

On my grade it says that I am missing a couple days with my dailies. I was not here on 2 of the days for that month. I was wondering if that is supposed to dock me points or if it will not count against me. Because I have and 82.73 % or something like that and I see that I only need an 83 so I was hoping that that would take care of that. I was also wondering if the Emily dickinson was going to be on this term. Thanks for your time. I will probably forget by tomorrow morning so I figured I would try to BLOG it. Sorry I know this isn't what this is meant for. But hopefully I will remember to talk to you about my grade.... I guess I have memory problems and ugly disease. I am so screwed!!!  Thanksfor your time. 

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
Sunday, March 12, 2006

9-3 Catch 22

This is so a rip off of top gun! Well sort of... I feel so horrible. This made me want to cry! Brings back bad memories of that blasted, greatest of all time, movie. A guy is tring to show off and he accidentally kills someone. And then he pulls a John Denver and crashes his plane into the mountain. This is so depressing!

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
9-2 Catch 22

Now maybe its just guys. I know that girls when they don't like someone they can go their whole life time without having to talk about them or enjoy the other person... Now guys can be in a fight and the next minute be a good friend to the person. This is what happens in the story. yar and Orr finally talk things out and now they quite enjoy eachother even though yar really didn't care for him at the start of the story.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
9-1 Catch 22

Ever been at the end of your rope? Well In this story Yar is... Before someone was trying to plan on killing the colonel and Yar made him not do it... Well now Yar likes the plan. It's a  shame that people will do anything to get out of their responsibilities.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
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