Entries "January 2006":

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Moby Dick 3-1

Ok so the first part of my book has been talking about the whiteness of Moby Dick and how that is the scariest, meanest, most threatening thing about him. In our culture white is considered one of the most pure things that there is and at the same time it is one of the most feared. White is pure, heavenly, sweet. Most Christian divinities are white because they are holy. In this way white is strived for and loved. Yet, white can also put fear into us. White polar bear, white ghosts, and very white people (albino's). These things all send shivers down our spines and give us the chills just to think about them. It is interesting how varied and extensive our emotions can be when thinking about white. That is in ishmel's mind what is so horrible about Moby Dick. White can be the the symbol of something holy, yet this whale seems to be the opposite, something almost evil. White, the color that is the absence of color and at the same time the concrete of all of the colors. Pretty cool how the color effets us huh? Anyway later on it tells how obsessed AHab really is with this whale. Every night he goes down into his cabin and pours  over these old maps and logs. THinking about where he is to most likely find the whale. BUt, in reality he is only thinking about Moby DIck. At night he dreams of the whale, horrible nightmares that often keep him away at night and haunt him in the day. He wakes up with his nails digging into his skin. This whale is truly Ahab's monomaniatic thought. The whale never leaves his mind. No wonder captain Ahab is a little insane.

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Posted by: benjamin-ray    in: My entries
Sunday, January 22, 2006

Moby Dick 2-3

Ok so the next little bit pretty much tells all about Captain Ahab and how him and Moby Dick had thier first meeting. Ahab was on a ship that was whale hunting. They were after Moby, and it was not going well. THe crew was putting up a good fight, but Moby was winning. In a fit of rage Ahab drew a knife from his belt and charged at the whale. He somehow hoped that the six inch little knife would kill the whale. Of course, instead the whale got him. The whale took out a chunk of good old Captain Ahab's leg. Luckily for Ahab, the crew was able to save him. They said that on the way back to land was the time when Ahab went mad. Sometimes he would be yelling and ranting and raving and other times he would seem almost normal and calm. His anger for Moby Dick most likely drove him insane. Now he simply turns his anger and hatred into a passion for revenge. He constantly thinks about capturing the white whale. That is his obsession. He will stop at nothing to kill Moby Dick. He has also done a pretty good job of getting his crew to go along with it too. THey all now want to kill the whale for the money and for thier captian. I just hope that those men know what they are getting themselves into. Revenge can be an ugly buisness, especailly when your dealing with a great white whale.

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Posted by: benjamin-ray    in: My entries
Moby Dick 2-2

Ok so this next part was much better than the last part. We actually ad some dialogue and plot gowing on. I liked it much better. I think that most of Mellville's writing is quite interesting and engaging, but every once in awhile he goes off on some tangent and I have no idea what in the world is going on. Well this last part I actually knew what was happening. So Ahab has been up all day pacing on the deck. He seems different, almost agitated and excited. Then, he calls a meeting with the entire crew together. Apparently this is a pretty big thing so the entire crew is very excited. Ahab shows them a gold coin and tells them that whoever first spots the white whale with a crooked jaw and a wrinkled brow will get the coin. He then nails it to the mast of the ship and they all yell out in excitement. Each of the harpooners have heard stories of this Moby Dick about how he does something funny with his tail, and how he has a huge blow-hole and how he has three holes in his tail with harpoons all twisted like corckscrews. EVeryone on the ship seems to be quite excited about cathcing this white whale who took their captains leg, everyone except one man, Starbuck, the first mate. He believes that the captain is only thinking of vengence for himself, not getting money for the whole crew. He feels as if these three years will be a hopeless  quest for one whale in a giant ocean. Yet, he feels as if he must help and do his part. Starbuck even says "God keep me- God keep us all." This i think is going to be forshadowing some bad expierences to come. So anyway the captain is obsessed, the first mate worried and the crew is having a great time. THat night they all drink and sing songs. They just seem oblivous to the tumoil to come and just happy to be alive. It must be nice to be that nieve and innocent. Well, at least they are happy. In a way I almost envy them because they don't know what is going to happen with the whale.

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Posted by: benjamin-ray    in: My entries
Moby Dick 2-1

Ok so when I read the next part of the book I really did npt learn anything more about the plot at all. It was all, in my opinion a complete waste of reading time. It seemed like it had no relevence to the story of the book. I had a hard time gettting through it and didn't pick out much of it at all.  So, I will give you what I can,  but I still don't understand what Melville was trying to say during these few chapters. So one chapter is talks completley about the classification of whales. It is divided up into three books and talks about every type of whale and I wanted to scream! I learned absolutly nothing. I thought it was completly pointless in puting that in there. Do I really care about all these different whales? NO! So move on. At least, that's my opinion.THe only thing I learned was a new word, Cetology, or the classification of whales.  Next it just talks about how the officers get to eat dinner with captain Ahab, but the rest of the crew eats somewhere else. Ishmel doesn't seem to uppset about it and I don't think that I would be either. It would be more fun with the crew. So blah blah blah then Ishmel talks about standing duty at the Mast-Head and how mesmerizing it can be standing up there just staring out atthe ocean. I bet that it would be quite a view. Just being up ther, all by yourslef seeing what seems like the whole ocean. Wow, that would be a cool feeling. Ahhhh.....

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Posted by: benjamin-ray    in: My entries
Sunday, January 15, 2006

Moby Dick 1-3

Ok so in this next little bit of the book Ishmel starts out defending whaling. I guess that whaling isn't a too highly thought of profession becuase he spends a whole two chapters talking about the art of whaling, and how noble a pursuit it is, and how kings and queens even need whalers and he just goes on and on like this. I don't think that there is anything wrong with the whaling profession. I only think that it is very dangerous, which it is, and that it is not menat for everyone. Well anyway you are introduced to the first mate, Starbuck, who is the most careful whaler there is. Ha ha that's kind of condradictory isn't it? He says that he won't let a man aboard his ship who isn't afraid of whales becuase a man with no fear, could be more perilous than a careful man. Starbuck figures that he's out here to kill whales, not the other way around. Next we meet the second mate, Stubb. He is described as the happy go lucky type. He is always smiling and whistling a little tune, even when they are fighting with a whale Stubbs is said to be as calm as ever. Stubbs is probalby the one who keeps everyone sane and not killing each other under the stress of being out to see for three years. One more thing about Stubbs is it is said that he always has a pipe in his mouth. When he gets dressed in the morning that is the first thing that goes on.  Next we meet the third mate Flask who is just out to kill as many whales as possible. He doesn't seem to be particulary scared or nervous, he just wants to get some whales. Next we learn that there will be three harpooners: Queegueg, Tashtego, an indian, and Daggoo, a gigantic "Negro". These men all seem to be a little barbaric or just....very old faskioned. They all stick to the old ways that were taught to them by thier parents. I admire them. Well anyway we finally meet to great captain Ahab. After a while Ahab now spends almost all of his time up on deck. When Ishmel first sees the  captain is just is awed by the presence and indimidation that Ahab can have without even saying a word. At first Ishmel doesn't even notice Ahab's ivory leg. This captain seems to be a little strange though, from what little we know of him. He is very passionate about finding a specific white whale.  

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Posted by: benjamin-ray    in: My entries
Moby Dick 1-2

Ok so now Queegueg and Ishmel have a ship to sail on. Today while Ishmel was out searching for a boat for them Queequeg was doing him kind of a Ramadan thing for his religion. He is supposed to spend all day in one position, not moving praying to his little wooden god. When Ishmel gets home he is surprised to see Queequeg still praying to it. In fact, Queequeg refuses to agknowledge anyone's presence or questions. He is completly in his own little world totally devoted to his little god named Yojo. Ishmel even has to break the room door down to make sure that Queequeg is alright since he won't awnser any requests. When it is late at night Ishmel finally goes to bed thinking that Queegue will soon be following him. To his surprise though Queequeg does not move until first light on the next day. That is complete devotion right there to sit in one spot for 24 hours without moving, eating, drinking, or going to the bathroom. Queequeg must have complete faith in Yojo in order to do that. I really respect Queequeg for that. What I do not respect is what Ishmel does next. He has Queequeg lay down in bed and Ishem gives him a lecture on how dangerous and stupid his Ramadan is. i think that is just awful considering that Ishmel isn't all that faithful. He is telling Queequeg to give up his beliefs and religon when Ishmel isn't devout at all. Ishmel really needs to get his thinking straight. If Queequeg believes that much, let him be. He is probably happier than the rest of us. Ok well th Peqoud is now  ready to ship out. CHristmas Day everyone loads up and the boat ships off. The crew has still yet to see their famnous captain. He has remained in his room and let the owners of the ship get it out of port. Now the ship is out of port and on the open sea and I'm sure that soon will we will the great captian Ahab.  

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Posted by: benjamin-ray    in: My entries
Saturday, January 14, 2006

Moby Dick 1-1

Ok so it's been a while since I have written and I have been reading sparatically so this might be a little crazy as I try to recall everything that I have read since last time I blogged. So Ishmel goes home after the Sermon at the church. He sees Queequegsitting there counting pages in a book, not reading the book. It really amuses Ishmel and he decides to go over and talk to Queequeg as much as he can. While the two men don't understand each other all of the time they become very close and grow to be blood brothers in Queequeg's eyes. At the end of the day Queequeg tells Ishmel that he would now die for him. I think that it is so cool that Queequeg's culture is one of such openness and friendliness. If we could all be like that the world would be a happier place. Anyway Queeqeug and ishmel are inseperable now. They go everywhere together and talk about everything. Ishmel has truly found himself a good friend. Ishmel tells Queequeg about his plans for going to Nantucket and from there getting a job on a whaling ship and going out to sea for a period of time. Queequeg decides that this is a good idea so he accomponies Ishmel. As the strange couple is walking through town together everyone stares at them and judeges them because Ishmel, a white man, is walking with a Cannibal, a foreigner. They are all appaled by this. i tink that it is ridicoulous that people act this way when they don't even know wiether one of them. When Queequeg and Ishmel get on the boat for nantucket one of the men is very rude to Queequeg. A little while later that same man falls overboard and Queequeg jumps in and saves his life. If only people new what a kind peron Queeqeug really is inside. Once they get to nantucket Ishmel goes out to find them a boat to sail on the next day. Ishmel comes across the Pequod. It seems like a good ship, old and well used, but strong. He talks to the owners and eventually convincesthem to hire him on even though he has never done any whaling before. When Ishmel inquire about the captain he learns about the famous captain Ahab. He only has one leg because a whale it off his other one. Apparently Ahab is a great captain, very smart, but very mean also. He is griff and stern but a great man. Ishmel seems a little leary about Ahab, but he decides that he will set sail with this boat anyway. Something he might regret later on.

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Posted by: benjamin-ray    in: My entries