
Moby Dick 1-1

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Ok so it's been a while since I have written and I have been reading sparatically so this might be a little crazy as I try to recall everything that I have read since last time I blogged. So Ishmel goes home after the Sermon at the church. He sees Queequegsitting there counting pages in a book, not reading the book. It really amuses Ishmel and he decides to go over and talk to Queequeg as much as he can. While the two men don't understand each other all of the time they become very close and grow to be blood brothers in Queequeg's eyes. At the end of the day Queequeg tells Ishmel that he would now die for him. I think that it is so cool that Queequeg's culture is one of such openness and friendliness. If we could all be like that the world would be a happier place. Anyway Queeqeug and ishmel are inseperable now. They go everywhere together and talk about everything. Ishmel has truly found himself a good friend. Ishmel tells Queequeg about his plans for going to Nantucket and from there getting a job on a whaling ship and going out to sea for a period of time. Queequeg decides that this is a good idea so he accomponies Ishmel. As the strange couple is walking through town together everyone stares at them and judeges them because Ishmel, a white man, is walking with a Cannibal, a foreigner. They are all appaled by this. i tink that it is ridicoulous that people act this way when they don't even know wiether one of them. When Queequeg and Ishmel get on the boat for nantucket one of the men is very rude to Queequeg. A little while later that same man falls overboard and Queequeg jumps in and saves his life. If only people new what a kind peron Queeqeug really is inside. Once they get to nantucket Ishmel goes out to find them a boat to sail on the next day. Ishmel comes across the Pequod. It seems like a good ship, old and well used, but strong. He talks to the owners and eventually convincesthem to hire him on even though he has never done any whaling before. When Ishmel inquire about the captain he learns about the famous captain Ahab. He only has one leg because a whale it off his other one. Apparently Ahab is a great captain, very smart, but very mean also. He is griff and stern but a great man. Ishmel seems a little leary about Ahab, but he decides that he will set sail with this boat anyway. Something he might regret later on.

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