
Moby Dick 2-2

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Ok so this next part was much better than the last part. We actually ad some dialogue and plot gowing on. I liked it much better. I think that most of Mellville's writing is quite interesting and engaging, but every once in awhile he goes off on some tangent and I have no idea what in the world is going on. Well this last part I actually knew what was happening. So Ahab has been up all day pacing on the deck. He seems different, almost agitated and excited. Then, he calls a meeting with the entire crew together. Apparently this is a pretty big thing so the entire crew is very excited. Ahab shows them a gold coin and tells them that whoever first spots the white whale with a crooked jaw and a wrinkled brow will get the coin. He then nails it to the mast of the ship and they all yell out in excitement. Each of the harpooners have heard stories of this Moby Dick about how he does something funny with his tail, and how he has a huge blow-hole and how he has three holes in his tail with harpoons all twisted like corckscrews. EVeryone on the ship seems to be quite excited about cathcing this white whale who took their captains leg, everyone except one man, Starbuck, the first mate. He believes that the captain is only thinking of vengence for himself, not getting money for the whole crew. He feels as if these three years will be a hopeless  quest for one whale in a giant ocean. Yet, he feels as if he must help and do his part. Starbuck even says "God keep me- God keep us all." This i think is going to be forshadowing some bad expierences to come. So anyway the captain is obsessed, the first mate worried and the crew is having a great time. THat night they all drink and sing songs. They just seem oblivous to the tumoil to come and just happy to be alive. It must be nice to be that nieve and innocent. Well, at least they are happy. In a way I almost envy them because they don't know what is going to happen with the whale.

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