Entries "December 2005":

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Uncle Tom's Cabin 9-3

This is the part where it got hard for the Hselby's as Haley came backto find out half of his consumpition was gone. Haley leads to accepting it and halfway badmouths Mrs Shelby thus angereing mr shelby and putting tension into their breakfast. Thast about it other than useless bickering

.Ok, this was more boring than i thought. Whjy cant haley mind his business? Hes just a creep and needs counselling. Sorry, I need to write more, but time is killing me right now.



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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries
Uncle Tom's Cabin 9-2

This is where the story got a little fun. There began a frantic search for Eliza and he rson on the entire plantation, as aunt chloe and uncle tome watched in hilaria knowing exactly what was going on. Nothing was fond as Two people, Sam and Tom, talked about what good it was that she left for her life.

We gwet to see a few unfamiliar faces in this patt, its pretty fun meeting some new personalities. Most of all in this bok i really enjoy is how the narrator takes his/herself away from the story, you really feel apart of the story while reading it. ps. my arms hurt.



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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries
Uncle Tom's Cabin 9-1

Ok, lets get down to bizziness.

  Mr and Mrs shelby wake up ans Mrs Shelby yells for Eliza to come and help her get dressed. She does this threes times before she sends for Eliza and finds that she has left. This causes great confusions among the Shelby's, and scares mr shelby into his fear of misusing his honor.

  Im sorry ths is breif, but if anything thios does help me better enjoy this book. Somethiung like this really evaluates the true characters of traders in this era. I think it shows the true compassion of a woman like mrs shelpby who shows nothing but a want for eliza's safety on her journey.

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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries
Sunday, December 11, 2005

Uncle Tom's Cabin 8-3

Eliza is on her way with er son to run away when she stopr to tell and chlloe and uncle tom of the sale. ecverybody mourns the deal as eliza explans everything, tom deicides to stay because in the converstin was tlak o mr shelby being in great debt, he was willing to sacrifice s that everybody would be spared.

as sad as i feel it makes me proud to know somebody like tom. he is very giving and charitable, almost christ-like to think of others first in that way. when ilook at somebody lie him anda sacrifice like that, it inspires me to do bettr.

im really enjoying this book, it is makingme truly think of what i have and how to treat people.



Uncle Tom's Cabin 8-2

We find that during mr and mrs shelbys remarks, eliza was hiding in the closet listening to the entire conversation the entire time. Of course this pierced eliza deeply and forced her to attempt to run away with harry to save ehr some, she gets her stuff and writes a note pleading for forgiveness to mrs shelby as sheleaves with harry and a dog trailing her.

this is why iloved abraham lincoln. nobody, i mean NOBODY should got hroguh something like this. its not fair to see sucha good womnan forced to take aillegal measures to save her love one. it makes me angry, haley should be dead right now, or at least stricken from anything he has., he is a sick and abominable man and has no right in abybodys life.

sorry i got alittle caught up.

Uncle Tom\'s Cabin 8-1

Im sorry I must be brief.

  Mr and Mrs Shelby meet together and talk about Mr Shelby being forced to sell both Tom and little Harry, which puts Mrs Shelby in much distain. Not only does she not want Eliza to lose Harry, but she dislikes the idea of losing somebody as loyal as Tom. She talks about her dislie of slavery adn the sotry moves on.

  this was honestly tough for me to read. I couldnt bare losng a child ike that. I lost a prent at a young point in my life, also a sibling, but child would be too much. My heart goes to Eliza right now.


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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries

Modified on December 11, 2005 at 11:05 PM
Sunday, December 4, 2005

Uncle Tom's Cabin 7-3

This is where we mee the family of Eliza, and we go to Uncle Toms Cabin.

It gets to a point where George finds out he is going to be sold. He explains to Eliza how he wishes he had never been and how he never shouldve met Eliza s that hey wouldntve lived in so much pain. He rtells her his plan of going to Canada, becoming fre, getting money and buying her and their son. With that pledge in mind he leaves, Eliza being distained.

We later see a young slave master in a cabin eating a dinner made by Aunt Chloe, Toms wife. And they talk of her being a better cook than anothe rplantation cook. Truly this is a very homey type place to be.


Personally I want somebody like Aunt Chloe around, Shes like that sweet grandmother that you see every now and then and will do naythig for you just because you are there. You know, the ones that say "Oh, good Lord..." alot. I want one. Id called her Rejina or Agnes. Ok im done.





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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries
Uncle Tom's Cabin 7-2

This is the part where we get to really know Eliza. She is one of the older slaves who has been raised and brought up on the Shelby plantation. She in time found a husband named George. George left a plantaion to start a factory business, but was then brought back to "humble himself" with labor work. All in all Eliza has lived a happy life with what she has always been open to and George is bitter in what he used to have, and they had a child.

Oh did I mention the book says Eliza was really hot. Just a thought.

Anywho the book is getting better. And Im really more of a Union army fan now. Slavery sucks!




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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries
Uncle Tom's Cabin 7-1

As you can see, Ive taken it upon myself to try out a new book. This one is Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe.

The book begins with two people (one Mr. Shelby the other named Haley) conversing about selling a slave named Tom, who belongs to Mr. Shelby. Mr. Shelby works at declining the offer due to Tom's dedication and good work. He doesnt want t lpse somebody of this calibur. Haley then speaks about how you cannot make value unless you give some away. We also meet Eliza, a slave lady, and her son Harry in the story, who were talked about selling as well.

Im really enjoying this book. I noticed that it opened straight to the story, it was interestig right off the bat, Those kind of books are great.

Ive studied this book lately on how it was a great forerunner to the Civil War, im really excited on how thats gona turn out.


Ill keep in touch






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