
Uncle Tom's Cabin 7-1

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As you can see, Ive taken it upon myself to try out a new book. This one is Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe.

The book begins with two people (one Mr. Shelby the other named Haley) conversing about selling a slave named Tom, who belongs to Mr. Shelby. Mr. Shelby works at declining the offer due to Tom's dedication and good work. He doesnt want t lpse somebody of this calibur. Haley then speaks about how you cannot make value unless you give some away. We also meet Eliza, a slave lady, and her son Harry in the story, who were talked about selling as well.

Im really enjoying this book. I noticed that it opened straight to the story, it was interestig right off the bat, Those kind of books are great.

Ive studied this book lately on how it was a great forerunner to the Civil War, im really excited on how thats gona turn out.


Ill keep in touch






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