Entries "My entries":

Sunday, April 9, 2006

To Kill A Mockingbird 4-3

Thids tlaks about some communityu kids maycomb show that the town put on, scout played a slice of ham, ohh cute lil piggy meat. sorry that sounded wayfun,. it basically was  way to bring maycomb together, and as usual, it failed!


Well, as my officaial final blog, id like tosay thanks fro everything, its been a good run, and ive had fun, see yalll in the future, peace out




To Kill A Mockingbird 4-2

This part explains how maycomb is crap for halloween, how it is cld dirty and has mean paople like Mrs Tutti and Fruitti whos housesd gets broken into evry year. Basically maycomb sucks for kids.

KIds ruile, old deaf adults dont!



To Kill A Mockingbird 4-1

Tom Robinsons wife gets a job and has to walk by the ewells house everyday and gets antagonized by bob everday for the entire case thing (keep in mind this is almost a year later). Toms wifes boss yells at bob and all is done, atticus take sit mwith stride again.

The Ewells suck, need i say more?



Sunday, April 2, 2006

To Kill A Mockingbird 3-3

Summer has ended, Dill has left, school is in, and Scout is bascally back to her confused ways as good as ever. She wonders of Boo Radley, of whow thi kids will treat her at school ,ma most of all, afetr a tlak on Hitler in school, of how people can be so discriminating. Scout goes to Jem about it and gets yelled at about bringing the case up by Jem. Scout gets frightened and runs to Atticus i nthe front room whotells her that that kindve thing just happens.

I see that Jem is getting old, but he needs to growup. Who cares about your little sensitivites, talk to your lil sis for petes sake! geez...


To Kill A Mockingbird 3-2

Atticus scomes home early while the lady clad dinner is still in progress and calls calpurnia and Scout into the kitchen. Atticus says that Tom was killed at the prison and needs Cal and Him to go the his wifes home to tell them about what had happened. Apparently, Tom was at the workoput part of the day at prison, and simply shot and ran for the fence, and was shot by prison guards far off. Scout goes back to the relief society with a cheap smile on her face.

If any momentin reading has ever shocked me, this was it. I was rteally hoping tom would get out and see hjis fmaily, and nw its a totally different story. I just wonder what bob ewell does about al lof this.




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