Entries "October 2005":

Sunday, October 30, 2005

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 2-3

After a long night scourge, and a long scuffle of black jack with mcmurphy, everybody goes to bed, Bromden, however tays up in bed unlike other nights, and notices a basic murder by the workers to one of the chroics, he says nothing in fear.

Sorry for the brief description, i dont have much time for today. but in my personal opinion, i dont think theres much of a good guy in this story. they way ideas are put across it sounds like kesey is saying that sometimes you dont always have to take sides to solve a problem, simply take it as it  goes, i dont necessarily like McMurphy or Big Nurse, but i do know that something needs to change in the ward for the good of all, we'll just have to see. Oh and killing is bad...


If you want more info ask me personaly, i gotta get going, but thanks for your time.



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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries

Modified on October 30, 2005 at 8:20 PM
Saturday, October 29, 2005

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 2-2

I have a surprise for you all, the book is getting intersting! Theres stuff actually going on and its higly intriguing, lets move on and explain...

Well, the Community Meeting gets over with not much rebellion in place and McMurphy sits with Harding for a quick talk about how Big Nurse is simply in this all for taking people over and Harding counteracts McMurphy's remark by staing how caring she is and how it is all seen this way becasue all of the patients in the ward aresimply like "rabbits". This cause I giant commotion between all of the acutes in the group as Chief Bromden listens to all of and makes patient take sides on how Big Nurse treats the patients. Then McMurphy puts forth a bet that he can get to her within a week, and it thus halts.

Im now enjoying the story very well and its going great.

Oh and if anybody gets a holdof last thursdays transcript, ai have another column in the sports page in the On the Sidelines column, its on the World Series.

see you all later.





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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 2-1

Greetings and salutations!


Well as the story moves swiftly onward, all of the members in the ward, along with Big Nurse and the doctor have a meeting to talk about certain issues in the ward, for instance, somebody's ordeal with his wife's appearance. McMurphy speaks up in the meeting and is later cornered on his ordeals in the meeting, thus implies the first duel between McMurphy and the Big Nurse.

as to this point the book is getting fun, I hope it gets better.


Now remember, "We are all wonderful people. Some people are just wonderful and stupid."







Sunday, October 23, 2005

Yeah, it's me again...

Ok, I gotta be quick, I dont have much time. Basically Bromdem explains everything about the ward and how to go about an entire day. Pretty boring but it gave a good setting.
Sorry, thats all. No pictures or stuff, just a made up word:
With all my blugger,

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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries
Friday, October 21, 2005

More about McMurphy and him simply being himself...

Oh, sorry sir. But ive already eaten one of those...

Oh, excuse me, I was just talking to a hot dog vender. Well, on with my analysis of some other guys book.

So far McMurphy has been trying to get to know all of the patients in the ward, even the Chronics (those are the really reaally creepy and really insane ones). He even shakes hands with a guy that just sits against a wall all day. After a small staredown with Big Nurse (for those who dont know, shes the arch enemy type...) he goe to try to personally find sething about a few people, like the indian man from before (his name is Chief Bromden, and yes, I love parenthesis). McMurphy does everything to get settled in what he believes to be his new home.

In an instance, id like to go inside the mind of mcMurphy. When most people walk in eggshells and hardly so muchas whisper to anybody in a psyche ward, hes willing to take it to himself to show an open appreciation for them. Lets just say we should find a way to have that same care.

We should all strive to deal with loneliness like this i believe...


but that may be just me.


anywho you all have awonderful weekend, and we'll commune some other time.





ps again its been a long day and spelling errors are the least of my concern, so deal with it!

I maen, all of tihs is slpeled worng, but you can sitll raed it, so its not relaly not taht big of a pborlem.

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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries

Modified on October 21, 2005 at 8:56 PM
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

My first entry

Hey guys,

Well, I began One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, and I admit its not half fact, its about 89.3% good! It begins with an idian guy talking about waking up in the phsychiatric ward he lives in and being given treatment, he later on sees the new inmate named McMurphy, who he can already tell is different from the others, especially his laugh...

Intrigued? Confused? Uhh.. other questioned words of enlightenment? Youll find out more soon, so stay tune...


ever and ever...




oh and if I misspelled anything im sorry, Im too lazy to fix it...

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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries

Modified on October 19, 2005 at 9:32 PM
Sunday, October 9, 2005

A little bit about my Author-dude-man-sir...


 Well it turns out I did find "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest.' So heres a bit about the author, Ken Kesey.

 Kesey was born in 1935 and was raised in Oregon, where he went to college and particpated in wrestling and thatre. Now Kesey was much like writer Alice Carroll, not just for his gift in writing but becasue he had a fondness of drugs which he used... ALOT! He became very addicted to LSD which he was known to have been much under the influence of while writing some of his best famed books.

After a nice brumenscrous boom boom with the police he turned himself in for possession of drugs and smuggling them into Mexico with his famed bus where he and his high-as-kite like friends dubbed themselves the 'Merry Pranksters".  He later died in 2001 after writing a bit of non-fiction in later years.

So there you have it, Ken Kesey, good in writing, bad as an example for a better non-druggie life for children across the nation.

Well thats about it, oh and check it out, my take on team work...

Anythings possible when you and a bunch of bored people are around!

Well you guys have a great day...



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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries

Modified on October 9, 2005 at 9:50 PM
Friday, October 7, 2005

Hello again...


 I suffer from RAS, Random Announcement Syndrome which casues me to randomly give peices of inmformation that mean nothing for no apparent reason. Im just kidding. I think Im leading into reading Death of a Salesman becasue I cannot find the other book. That is all.

Yours all truly and forever, unless you dont like me which really hurts my feelings...



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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries
Wednesday, October 5, 2005


Hello Conley's class! Im not exactly sure what to say, so hello. My plans right now are to read either "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest" by Ken Kesey or "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller. Ill be choosing soon. Goodbye now.



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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries

Modified on October 5, 2005 at 8:52 PM