
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 2-2

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I have a surprise for you all, the book is getting intersting! Theres stuff actually going on and its higly intriguing, lets move on and explain...

Well, the Community Meeting gets over with not much rebellion in place and McMurphy sits with Harding for a quick talk about how Big Nurse is simply in this all for taking people over and Harding counteracts McMurphy's remark by staing how caring she is and how it is all seen this way becasue all of the patients in the ward aresimply like "rabbits". This cause I giant commotion between all of the acutes in the group as Chief Bromden listens to all of and makes patient take sides on how Big Nurse treats the patients. Then McMurphy puts forth a bet that he can get to her within a week, and it thus halts.

Im now enjoying the story very well and its going great.

Oh and if anybody gets a holdof last thursdays transcript, ai have another column in the sports page in the On the Sidelines column, its on the World Series.

see you all later.





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