Entries "January 2006":

Sunday, January 29, 2006


So the rain is non stop. It makes me think of floods, more particularly the story of Noah in the bible. The saddness of the last chapters is so strong, but yet there is still a twinkling of hope. Rose of sharon turns into a wonderful woman when she saves a dying man bringing back life in to the story. I think that was a great image of hope, showing there is always a new begining in times of sorrow.

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Posted by: cc4fun    in: My entries

Well i was reading my book and it hit me how much this section was like katrina and the other natural disasters we are having lately. The rain just poured and the people had no work. They stole to survive. Everything was chaos. I really thought that was like New Orleans during Katrina and i couldnt get that out of my head.

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Posted by: cc4fun    in: My entries

It is strange how good can happen in the mix of all the bad. The family is living in a boxcar wiith another family and that would just drive me nuts. I don t think I could handle it. But good comes from their sorrow and two of the kids are getting married. It is strange how things like that happen. I think sometimes we fail to realize the good that happens in our lives because we focus on the bad.

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Posted by: cc4fun    in: My entries
Sunday, January 22, 2006


Migrants were pretty smart. I mean I honestly didnt think they were that smart, but after reading some of this i find they were pretty smart. Like after they find in the cotton picking jobs that the owners were rigging the scales the migrants started putting rocks in their bags. I think that is pretty smart anyway. I feel really bad for the Joads. I really want something good to happen for them. At least they have a higher paying job.

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Posted by: cc4fun    in: My entries

Tom got in a fight after he found Jim CAsey. I dont really know what to think of Jim. Some times i understand but sometimes i dont. Any way he is dead so now i really cant find out. But tom has to hide because he got his face smashed in and it makes me wonder is it really worth it to go to california or in our every day lives to do anything we do?...

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Posted by: cc4fun    in: My entries

When i found out the JOads were leaving it was kind of sadening. The government was somewhat of a good thing And now they had to leave it. When the guy told them about the new jobs i really thought it was too good to be true. When the Joads show up at the orchard man you just know it is too good to be true. I hate that i wish something good would happen to the Joads

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Posted by: cc4fun    in: My entries
Sunday, January 15, 2006


There is a town dance and the farmers association is trying to start a riot. three men get found and kicked out. Rose of Sharon dosent dance because a woman told her that sinners babies are born dead and bloody. She is very worried about her baby. There is a story told that i dont want to tell but it kinda has revelance to this story. but ya. Many smaller farms are being ruined by the large farms. this puts alot of people out of jobs and makes it even harder for the farmers. The feelings of anger and resentment fill the people in the land.

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Posted by: cc4fun    in: My entries

THe conditions at the camp and all around are just heart breaking. the men cant find work but tom has been hired. The women have hope that the men will find work. A farm owner was telling of the plans of the poliece to go into the camp and start a riot and then evict the migrants. No one in california likes them and they all want the migrants gone. When ever they arent looking for jobs the migrants are parting in the camp. There are preachers preaching about sin and how every one must be careful.

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Posted by: cc4fun    in: My entries

Wow the way the migrants are treated is really sad. there are obs or gangs being made to disrupt the lives of the migrants and make them want to move. The poliece officers at the camps make the joads feel very disgraced and not like a person. they make them feel ashamed. The joads get to go to another government sponsered camp and there they start to feel like people. it is amazing to think of these as the conditions.

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Posted by: cc4fun    in: My entries