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Sunday, April 9, 2006

The White Indian Boy 4-3

 Last Blog!!!!!!!!! Anyways Some Indians came back from picking berries and said a girl had been killed by a bear Nick went up the girl wasn't dead and he ended up saving her. This helped everyone calm down about the the other thing that happened before that was complete opposite.He also killed two bears. Everyone viewed him as a hero.

    This was a good turn around for Nick I think people will respect him now.

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Posted by: aly    in: My entries
The White Indian Boy 4-2

    It just talked about life going on and Nick continues to break in colts, boys bother him and he threatens them. The boy that he kicked in the face keeps trying to make his horse buck him off. Nick gets tired of it and endied up strangling the kid with a rope that was tied to his horse he thought the boy died but he didn't. Nick tought this would cause another camp fight so he left for awhile. He didn't really feel bad about the whole thing.

    I couldn't imagine almost killing someone else for something something so dumb like that or for anything for that matter. I think Nick should be punished.

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Posted by: aly    in: My entries
The White Indian Boy 4-1

    Everyone is scared that the crows are going to get them and they take great measues to protect themselves.  I couldn't image living in that kind of fear knowing that at any minute you could be attacked and killed, but then again we kinda do live with that just not that extend which I'm thankful for.

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Posted by: aly    in: My entries
Sunday, April 2, 2006

The White Indian Boy 3-3

    This part talked alot about Nick breaking in colts. Everyone was gathered around and watched him, he was really good at it and did it pretty quickly.
    Again I think this is a good responsiblity for him, and I'm glad he could prove himself to them.

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Posted by: aly    in: My entries
The White Indian Boy 3-2

    Nick was out hunting with the cheif and they ended up getting seperated and Nick was lost so he climbed up a tree to look for his horse. A whole bunch of indains came after him, he was scared becasue he thought it was the crows but then they started calling his name, he got home safely but his mother was angery and now he got go anywhere without he for a while.

    I would be so scared to be lost I couldn't even imagine it. 

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Posted by: aly    in: My entries
The White Indian Boy 3-1

    The tribe encounters another tribe called the crows. They almost had a huge fight but it didn't happen I really don't understand why it didn't happen but it didn't. Also it is turning spring now and they are starting to hunt. Nick rides his horse too much and he is getting skinning so they gave him another horse so that one could fatten up. In order to pay for the new horse he got he has to help break in new horses, but he doesn't mind he likes doing it

    I think it is good they gave him some responsiblity, it will be good for and give him something to do.

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Posted by: aly    in: My entries

Modified on April 2, 2006 at 9:31 PM
Sunday, March 26, 2006

The White Indian Boy 2-3

    It was taking about his Idain mother. She asked him he would want to go back to his other parents and he told her the pros and cons of visiting thema nd it turned out he would wather stay with the indains. His indain mother had lost her two boys and husband recently and was really heartbroken and almost ready to die herself until he came along.

    I thik in a way Nick saved her life otherwise she probably never would have gotten over the deaths and would have just died. She has also helped him alot to adjust to this new life.

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Posted by: aly    in: My entries
The White Indian Boy 2-2

    The chief left the tribe for a few days and alot went wrong. Nick casued the whole camp to get in a physical fight because he let a girl borrow his fishing pole and she wouldn't give it back so he got in a fight with her then her mom got mad and it turned into this huge fight
    I found that interesting that the same tribe would get in a huge fight like that but then again it happens all the time.

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Posted by: aly    in: My entries
The White Indian Boy 2-1

    The indians make Nick some new clothes because it is becoming winter time. He looks nicer than all the other boys in his new clothes. The tribe starts to move to their winter spot.

    I think it is cool that they take such good care of him it probably makes it easier on him since he's not at his real home and is so different from everyone else.

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Posted by: aly    in: My entries
Sunday, March 19, 2006

The White Indian Boy 1-3

    Nick's mother got knocked off her horse and he thought she had died but she ended up only breaking her arm. they had to stop for a week so she could heal, they were on their way back fromthe gathering. In this time he started leatn how to hunt buffalo and antalope. he got cocky and stared boasting about how many he could kil, they got mad and said he wa acting like a white man if he was going to kill just to kill, you only kill what you need to survive, if he killed more they would be cursed and have nothing to eat.

    i think he realize this and that he was wrong, which i think he was, he learned a valuable lesson.

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Posted by: aly    in: My entries
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