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Thursday, April 6, 2006

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: 4-1, 4-2, 4-3

The book recalls the murder of Doctor Robinson and the murder trial is coming up shortly.  Muff Potter is the talk of the town, and so far Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are the only two people who know that Injun Joe was the real murderer.  Tom begins to feel sad a guilty again now that he his reminded of the incident.  He finds Huckleberry Finn and talks to him about it in hopes that it will give him some comfort.  They reassure each other that neither of them has told a soul about what they know.  They then swear again to not tell anybody, just to make sure.  They then go and visit Muff Potter while he is in his cell, and talk about old times when Muff used to go fishing with them and such.  The next day was the court date and Tom decides to attend.  Many witnesses were called to the stand  to testify against Muff Potter.  Some said that they had seen him with the knife, others said that they saw him washing the blood off his hands in the river, and others said that they saw him with a guilty look.  But then all of a sudden, they called Tom to the stand.  He was scared to death but he went up onto the stand anyway.  He performed the oath and was then asked questions about where he was and what he had seen that night.  He told them everything that he knew.  He told them where he was and who the real murderer was.  Right then, Injun Joe jumped out of the window in the court room and ran away!

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Posted by: Race
Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: 3-1, 3-2, 3-3

I still don't get the whole cat joke that the school boys pulled on their teacher.  I don't see how the audience didn't see the boys lowering the cat, but whatever.  Tom looked at that prank as the start of fun summer vacation.  Tom joined what's called the new order of Cadets of Temperance.  The book doesn't describe what this group thing is at all.  It just says how the rules of being a part of this was that there was no drinking or swearing aloud.  Tom had a hard time with this because he was used to swearing and drinking since he supposedly does it all the time.  But then finally, Tom couldn't take it anymore, so he pulled out of the group.  But then he no longer had any desire to do those things since it wasn't against the rules anymore.  Then it goes on to talk about how Tom's summer was really boring and a big dissapointment.  Then he ended up getting the measles, and was bed ridden for two or three weeks.  He got better and started to go to some of his friends' parties but he was still having a lame summer.  Another thing that had added to it was that his true love/enemy was out of town for the summer.  He then goes through a weird phase where thinks that he will not be saved when he dies because he is a really bad sinner.  He sees how all of his friends are being righteous by either doing service or reading scriptures.  Even his "wicked" friend, Huckleberry Finn was quoting scripture.

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Posted by: Race
Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: 2-1, 2-2, 2-3

When the school master had seen that his book was torn, he immediatley scanned his classroom to look for a guilty face.  Tom knew that Becky had torn it, and did not wish to see her whipped.  Tom wanted to say that he did it and take Becky's punishment for her.  And that is just what he did.  Tom yelled out loud that it was him that had torn the book, and he recieved a whipping for it.  He then had to stay after school for a couple of hours.  Afterwards, he left the school and sure enough, Becky was out side waiting for him.  She complimented him for being so "noble".  It was getting towards the end of school now, and I guess every year, before school ends, the school has examinations.  This is where the parents and other family members of the students come to the school and listen to each student recite something that they had learned that year.  Also during this time, a group of boys, including Tom Sawyer, were trying to think of some way that they could get revenge on their schoolmaster for he cruelty that he showed against them.  On the day of the examinations, each student got up and recited things.  Tom tried to, but was overcome with stage-fright, and was not able to finish his speech.  After these were all done, the teacher stood up to go and draw a map the U.S. on the blackboard so that the students could show all of the geography that they had learned that hear.  Now, I did'nt totally understand this part, but what I got from it was that the boys that wanted to get revnge on the teacher ended up going through with their plan.  What they did was get a cat and tie him to a string.  Then they somehow lowered it from the ceiling.  Now, of course the cat is way scared, so he is going to try and grab onto anything that he can get his paws on.  Well the boys knew this and so they lowered the cat near the teacher's head, and the cat attempted to grab for his head, but only caught hold of his wig.  Then the boys pulled the cat back up.

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Posted by: Race
Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: 3-3

Toms conscience is getting to him so badly that he becomes ill.  The book goes on about how Aunt Polly is always ordering different painkillers and books on healing.  She uses these things on Tom in attempt to make him feel better.  From what I understood, Tom got hooked on this painkiller stuff and was taking it a lot.  One time his cat was with him so he gave it some of the pain killer.  The cat freaked out and literally started bouncing off walls.  Tom laughed his head off, but was later scolded by his aunt.

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Posted by: Race
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: 3-2

Tom is still being haunted by his conscience about whether or not he should tell the people the truth about the murder.  He then begins to have dreams about the murder and starts talking about it in his sleep.  Sid hears him but says nothin about it to anybody.  The villagers do find out that Injun Joe was a part of the grave digging incident but for some reason, nobody ever did anything about it. 

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Posted by: Race
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