Entries "January 2006":

Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: 3-3

Toms conscience is getting to him so badly that he becomes ill.  The book goes on about how Aunt Polly is always ordering different painkillers and books on healing.  She uses these things on Tom in attempt to make him feel better.  From what I understood, Tom got hooked on this painkiller stuff and was taking it a lot.  One time his cat was with him so he gave it some of the pain killer.  The cat freaked out and literally started bouncing off walls.  Tom laughed his head off, but was later scolded by his aunt.

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Posted by: Race    in: My entries
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: 3-2

Tom is still being haunted by his conscience about whether or not he should tell the people the truth about the murder.  He then begins to have dreams about the murder and starts talking about it in his sleep.  Sid hears him but says nothin about it to anybody.  The villagers do find out that Injun Joe was a part of the grave digging incident but for some reason, nobody ever did anything about it. 

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Posted by: Race    in: My entries
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: 3-1

Tom was feeling very guilty since his aunt only cried instead of whipping him when she found out that he had snuck out in the middle of the night.  As Tom and Huck expected, the news about the graveyard scene flew faster than they could imagine.  Everybody and their dog was at the scene, as well as Tom and Huck (acting like they knew nothing of went on there).  Muff Potter was caught and arrested, and now Tom's conscience is eating at him because he knows that he should tell everybody the truth about who really killed Doctor Robinson.

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Posted by: Race    in: My entries
Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: 2-3

Tom and Huck start to head home until they here a stray dog howling.  Now supposedly, according to Tom and Huck, whenever a stray dog howls at you, and it means that you are going to die.  They then started to get all freaked out but then the dog left.  Then after that they heard someone moaning and snoring outside, so they decided to go and check it out.  It ended up being Muff Potter and they thought that the dog howling meant that he was going to die.  When Tom went home, he tried to sneak through his window, but his little brother, Sid, caught him and told their aunt the next morning.   

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Posted by: Race    in: My entries
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: 2-2

Potter began to beg injun Joe to not tell anybody that he had killed the doctor.  Joe told him to calm down and quit crying, and that he would not tell anybody about anything.  Then he told him that they needed to separate, and so Potter went one way while Joe went the other way.  And they didn't bother to clean up the mess they had maid, which consisted of a dead man, and bloody knife, and an open coffin.  The oath that Tom and Huck maid to each other was written in their blood on a piece of paper. 

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Posted by: Race    in: My entries