Entries "December 2005":

Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: 9-1

Tom and his family are still at church, and everyone gathers in the chapel to have the combined services.  Tom of course gets really bored during the sermon, so he pulls something out of his pocket.  It was a "pinch bug" as he called it.  It was one of those beetles that have the big horns sticking out of their face.  While he was playing with the beetle, it pinched his finger.  Tom's reaction to this was to through the beetle, and it landed in the middle of the aisle.  Now, I don't know why, but for some reason there was a dog in the church, and it saw the beetle land on the ground.  So the he came over to sniff and play with the beetle.  It pinched the dog and it made a quiet yelp.  Then the dog walked away, and then came back after a few minutes.  When the dog came back, he has totally forgotten about the beetle, and ended up laying down on it.  The beetle pinched his belly, and made a very loud yelp.  Everybody in the congregation was laughing at what just happened, and it was the highlight of Tom's day.

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Posted by: Race    in: My entries
Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" 8-3

After Tom saw that his true love had come to church, he began to show off any way that he could.  He started to hit other kids and pull their hair, and just doing everything that he could to get her attention.  Then he gets another idea of how to show off.  He takes his tickets that he got from the other kids, and demands that he recieves a bible.  His tickets are counted, and they find that he has nine yellow, nine red, and two blue ones.  The whole crowd was astonished at what they just saw.  No one would have thought that Tom Sawyer would memorize that many verses.  But he got his bible, and then Amy's father, Lawyer Thatcher, came to him to congragulate him on his accomplishment.  He then asked Tom to state Jesus' first two apostles.  Tom looked down and would not answer, and his teacher began to pester him, and tell him to answer the man.  Then all of a sudden, Tom shouted out that it was David and Goliath.  The book did not say what happened afterwards, but I thought that that was pretty funny.


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Posted by: Race    in: My entries
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: 8-2

When Tom got to church, he began trading with the other kids.  He was giving away things that he got from the fence painting episode, and in return, kids were giving him red, blue, and yellow tickets.  The purpose for these tickets was the kids would recieve them whenever they memorized scriptures.  Each time a kid memorized two verses, they would be rewarded one blue ticket.  One red ticket was worth ten blue tickets, and one yellow ticket was worth ten red ones.  Then when a kid finally had ten yellow tickets, which required 2000 verses memorized, they could trade them in for a bible.  Everybody then sits down to here the sermon, and it is given by a guy named Mr. Walters.  But while in the middle of the sermon, he was interupted by some more vistors.  They were Lawyer Thatcher, some old guy, a lady, and Amy Lawrence, who was the girl that Tom fell in love with.  

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Posted by: Race    in: My entries
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: 8-1

It's Sunday, one day after Tom's episode with the pail of water, and Tom has to go to church.  But before doing so, he is forced to recite some scriptures that he was supposed to memorize.  In this part of the book, a charecter named Mary all of sudden pops into the story.  It never talked about her before, so I have know idea who she is, but she's the one that helps Tom recite the verses.  Afterwards, she tells him to go and wash his face for church.  Tom does not want to so he just scrubs his face with a dry towel.  So Mary had to help him wash his face, and them told him to go get his "other clothes", which were his church clothes.  A guess that this means that Tom has only two sets of outfits, his play clothes, and his church clothes.  Then it just talks about how Tom is so bothered about being clean and looking nice.  He would rather be dirty and look scroungy.  Then, they head out to church.

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Posted by: Race    in: My entries
Saturday, December 3, 2005

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: 7-3

After Tom is praised for painting the fence "all by himself" LOL, he goes for a walk down some road.  While he is walking, he sees a girl that's playing around in her yard.  Tom immediatly falls in love with her, and begins to try and show off for her, but she ignores him.  This goes on for a little while, then the girl walks into her house.  But before doing so, she throws Tom a flower.  He then cheerfully walks back home, and eats dinner with his aunt, and little brother named Sid.  Tom tries to sneak some sugar from the sugar bowl, but his Aunt Polly sees him, and slaps him.  He then complains how she always lets Sid sneak some sugar, but not him.  His aunt basically tells Tom that it's because he's bad kid, and Sid is not.  She then gets up to do something in the kitchen, and Sid goes for the sugar bowl and accidently knocks it off the table, and it shatters on the floor.  Aunt Polly figured that it was Tom, and so she stormed in and slapped him.  Tom then yells that it was Sid that did it, but his aunt just walked away, and did nothing to Sid.  Tom then starts to feel bad for himself, and wishes he would die so that his aunt would be sorry.  He then becomes desperate for someone to feel bad for him.  So he gets this stupid idea to go to the house where he saw the pretty girl, and pretend to be dead.  He get's there, lies right under the girls window, and clasps his hands on his chest while holding the flower that she gave him.  All of a sudden, he looks up and sees the maid open the window that he's under, and she poures out a pail of dirty water.  It lands right on Tom.  His idea didn't really go as planned, so he sadly, and coldly, walked home.

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Posted by: Race    in: My entries