Entries "November 2005":

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Huckleberry Finn: 6-1

I've started another book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.  A guess it's the sequel to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.  I haven't read that book yet, so I think I'll read that one before I read Huckleberry Finn.  But I will have to write a few blogs about this book until I can get The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.  But anyways, the beginnin of the book starts out with how Finn was adopted by a widow and lived with her and her sister.  He says how her sister was always pestering him about being respectable.  Things like how to eat, and always sit up straight..etc.  He runs aways and meets up with Tom Sawyer, but Tom tells him to go back to widow, because she will teach him to respectable.

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