Entries "October 2005":

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

            Ahoy, my fellow bloggers, hows everybody doing.  That's great.  Well, my book is very, very wierd.  But what can I say, it's a Science Fiction book.  It starts out aswhat seems to be a conference that's full of scientist, mathmaticians, and students.  And there is guy called "The Time Traveler" that's giving a speech about the demensions of space, which are length, breadth, and thikness.  I already knew that, but it starts getting confusing when he talks about how there is another demension in space, time.  He argues that something with length, breadth, and thikness could not exist without duration of time.  Well, anyways, I'm probably boring you with all of this scientific junk, but what he is saying is kind of true in my opinion.  But when I start to think about it, I just confuse myself and my head starts to hurt.  But my prediction is that "The Time Traveler" will somehow tap into the forth demenion that he's talking about and be able to travel through time.  Well, anyways, I hope that I'm doing this blogging thing the right way.  Well see ya'll later.       



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Posted by: Race    in: My entries
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Yo, fellow bloggers.  I sort of forgot to tell about my author on my last entry, so I'll tell about him now.  Uuumm, ya, I just remembered that I don't know anything about him.  Wait, never-mind, it talks about him right here in the book. Duh!  Well, H.G. Wells was a science-fiction writer who started writing right out of college.  The book that I'm reading, The Time Machine, was his first book that he ever wrote.


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Posted by: Race    in: My entries
Friday, October 7, 2005

Well, uuummmm, ya.  So this is blogging.  Fun.  Well anyways, I will be reading The Time Machine by H.G. Wells.  Laters.

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Posted by: Race    in: My entries