Entries "March 2006":

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Call of the Wild         9-3

Buck had shown that he was loyal to his master but the real test came when a man hit John and Buck sprang towards  the mans throat with the intent to kill. Other men had to pull Buck off of the man but before they did, Buck tore the mans throat. No one would mess with John anymore and even Johns friends said that they would never be the ones to hit him.

The true test came in a bar when a man bet that Buck couln't pull 1000 pounds by himself. John bet him he could, but was really only bluffing, When money was put up he knew he was in trouble.

So outside they went. John strapped buck to the sled with the 1000 pounds of flour on it. Everyone came outside to watch and Buck was excited. The sled was frozen to the ground and John worried abou this, but this was up to Buck to do. He told Buck to go but said twoi differnt words first that Buckrecognized to break the sled loose. He did. Then he pulled with all his stregnth. The sled began to move, slowly at first, inches by inches until Buck had it going at a comfortable speed. He pulled it several hundred feet before being told to stop. He had made his owner a very rich man.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild          9-2

Buck had established a very passionate love with John the love of a true friendship. Buck was obsessed with keeping his master safe, he cared for nothing more than his new master. He was grateful to him for saving his life and would repay him by being as loyal as he could. His love for John Thornton grew every day and didn't even compare to how he felt about Judge Miller, his first owner.

John knew this to. He knew that Buck would do what ever he wanted him to do for him. One day, John and his men were sitting on the ledge of a cliff that fell 100 feet to the bottom. He decided to test Buck. He told him to jump and pointed off the cliff. Buck jumped at his owners comand but was caught by john the next instant.

John decided he was a little scared and uncomfortable with how willing Buck was to do every word he said. Buck was always by his side.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild            9-1

John Thornton took care of Buck first seeing if he had any broken bones from the beating he endured but Buck was okay, just bruised and starved. John took care of him nursing him back to health. Soon Buck was his self again full of the lush hair that he had once so long ago.

The way that John had gotten to his position , alone in the woods, he was with his friends in the hills and had frozen his feet. They had left him there after making sure he was comfortable. He was still limping a little bit when he rescued Buck , but with the warm weather coming in, it soon subsided.

He and Buck became pals. Skeet and Nig were John's other dogs and they all got along well. Nig was a sweet little dog and she soon came to mother Buck. While he was recovering, she would groom him and he being to lazy to react grew accustomed to this treatment.

They were waiting for John Thornton's friends who would come for them on a raft flowing down the river.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild          8-3

The men refused to believe John Thornton and went back to their sled. When they tried to start up their team, the only one who didn't rise was Buck. Furious, the men began to whip and hit the dog with the club. John watched for a few minutes and then couldn't stand it anymore.

He ran and tackled the man beating Buck. With tears in his eyes, he said that if they ever touched him again, he would kill him. The men with the sled, afraid of this man, left. Buck was cut lose from his harness.  

The Sled left but just around the bend, the trail gave out, plummeting the sled and its occupents into the flowing river. They were no more.

Buck rejoiced with his new owner John Thornton.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The  CAll of the Wild           8-2

Soon, dogs began dying off. First were the mut dogs that the men had bought thinking that they would help them along the trail. Tehn some of Buck's old team started dying. Buck had grown hollow. He felt no pain and cared for nothing. When the dogs ceased to move the slay, all were whipped and beaten with the club.

The humans ran out of food completely for the dogs, and Mercedes, the woman, would insist on riding the sled adding another 120 pounds to the sled. The dogs just couldn't do it anymore.

The one day they found a camp and stopped. The men got off the sled to converse with the only occupent of the camp. His name was John Thornton. He was a very kind man and warned the men that the trail's bootm was going to drop out into the river and it wasn't safe to cross. Teh men were head strong and refused to believe it.


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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild              8-1

Buck is very agnry that he could ever have been sold to such idiots. These people knew nothing of how to sled. They spent all morning trying to figure out how to put the tent down and all evening trying to put the tent back up. They weren't organized at all.

They hadn't brought enough food for the dogs either. They had several hundred miles to go and didn't stop to think of rationing out food. They gave the dogs plenty of food, but then causing future suffering.

The dogs all grew very weary, especially the ones that were in Bucks original crew. Many of the dogs began starving including Buck. Everyone was irritable, including the humans.


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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries