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The Call of the Wild         9-3

Buck had shown that he was loyal to his master but the real test came when a man hit John and Buck sprang towards  the mans throat with the intent to kill. Other men had to pull Buck off of the man but before they did, Buck tore the mans throat. No one would mess with John anymore and even Johns friends said that they would never be the ones to hit him.

The true test came in a bar when a man bet that Buck couln't pull 1000 pounds by himself. John bet him he could, but was really only bluffing, When money was put up he knew he was in trouble.

So outside they went. John strapped buck to the sled with the 1000 pounds of flour on it. Everyone came outside to watch and Buck was excited. The sled was frozen to the ground and John worried abou this, but this was up to Buck to do. He told Buck to go but said twoi differnt words first that Buckrecognized to break the sled loose. He did. Then he pulled with all his stregnth. The sled began to move, slowly at first, inches by inches until Buck had it going at a comfortable speed. He pulled it several hundred feet before being told to stop. He had made his owner a very rich man.

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