Entries "January 2006":

Sunday, January 29, 2006

To Kill A Mockingbirg 3-3


  This is a fun part, we get to meet a pickle!!! Well not really, its alittle boy and his name is Dill, but it was worth hoping for right? Well we find that dill will be in town every sumemr, and they become friends and get to a fun scummper with the radley house, a forbidden spot in Monty town.

Oh man, ilvoe stupid mystereis like this., i cant wait!




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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries
To Kill A Mockingbirg 3-2

This is basically where the finch family is introduced and we se how the stor ywill begin. i keep noticing that Scout wont call her dad as dad, but his nameAtticus, ifeel as if something has led to that, we'll just have to see.


Thsi book sound like alot of fun. I cant wait to get more into it. Ill keep with it.



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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries
To Kill a Mockingbrid 3-1

  I again have chosen a new book, but this is agood one.

  The prologue just gives a rundown of twhat is going on and how it will fit, and like evry other porlogue it is very very boring, but it did give a good insight so im happy to read it.

Thast about it for now, sorry.




2SCRanN04.jpg If this doesnt get me to become a physical therapist i dont know what will...

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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries
Sunday, January 22, 2006

Uncle Tom's Cabin 2-3

Now we pan back to the plantation hwre sam has just returned from the event and is full of stories, some truea nd some not. After talking to Mr and Mrs Shelby he is given some food for thr trip and continues to brag about the story to everybody and talksabout how he feels all blacks are mistreated.

I dont know why but that chapter really made me crave fried chicken., Oh and slavery is bad.






Uncle Tom's Cabin 2-2

Tom, Marks, and haley are woking on how they can all benefit from getting this boy. they find that theydont care what heppens to the girl, but the boy is neede for al lto succeed.

This is great just take some children and youll be fine. ROT IN HADIES YOU SICK FREAK! Sorry, I felt strongly on this. There bettr a an emotion death of Haley at the end of this or im gonna be TOed. Why woudl somebody think like that?



Uncle Tom's Cabin 2-1

Basically this part focusses on Haley and how desreate he is. He is in a tavern contemplating every move he can make when he meets and old friend, Tom, who he talks to about his problem.


This guy is a simple jerk, Race should kill him.



Sunday, January 15, 2006

Uncle Tom's Cabin 1-3

Ok, so now comes some really fun suspense.

Sam turns after a very long time to the house where Eliza is staying and buys enough time for her to her him and leave. As she leaves Haley sees him off of his eye and starts running toward the ice capped river as her shoes fall off. She sprints, child in arms, across the ice leaving a bloody foot trail and goes to safety when a man helps her and leads her to a home. Haley, angry with deciet, sends to go home.

This was too much fun to read. I gotta read more.


Uncle Tom's Cabin 1-2

OPk, so we leave a good amount of the fun and sam, andy, and a T-Oed Haley set to leave to fiund Eliza. Halewy paide for the boy, hes taking him no matter what.

They get to a point of talking on the subject as they face two roads, a short dirt road, and a long straight smooth one., they sit and contemplate as sam leads them down the straight road which he klnows is not what weliza wouldve taken.


ok, so other ppl are gettin in on eliza's escape, this is fun. Ill have to keep up and see whathappens.




Uncle Tom's Cabin 1-1

Ok, it is really starting to shape up now.

At this point we skip back to Eliza and her boy. Eliza is desperatley chasing throught he woods with the boy in her arms to get to the Ohio river to cath a boat to freedom. She knows she could let him walk with her, but the fear oif losing him keeps him in her arms. They scuffle and scuffle and move close toward the goial as fear races down theyre necks and they come across something truly a astounding, only a...





home where they can stay for a ngith or two until another boats comes so they can leave. A sudden burst of sanctuary is where they are.


I love action in emotion, Its great. This book is shaping up.






photo_51_thumbGRP.jpgps if you get the chance go and see glory road, it is a great movie and story...

Sunday, January 8, 2006

Uncle Tom's Cabin 10-3

Sam and Mr Shelby go along on short search for Elzia with two badly shaped horses. They talk about the event and Mr Shelby asks if Sam has speculated anything. Sam delcins as on accident he takes the erigns too long and the horses go out of control ,forcing the tw to have to journewy home and maybe try again sometime.
ok, that was alittle action, thats an improvement, I just hope this shapes up, im not really feeling a true emotion for any character. I want to love and hate somebody, but im, just not getting aty iot now that hAley is in a sense gone. Once that comes back i will be happy with the story again, now its just getting old.




leamurs.jpgLEMURS ROCK!

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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries
Uncle Tom's Cabin 10-2

Whiile Sam and masr andy are speaking, a message comes that sam must go and help mr shelby go to look for eliza, sam speaks oddly of it and says that Tom ought to go, but they decline him for undisclosed reasons as Sam fixes to leave.

Again, lets just get this overwith already and see some movement, i can only take conversation for so long. But overall I stil llike the book. I can really see how this led to a Civil War.


Hating Robert E lee...


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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries
Uncle Tom's Cabin 10-1

We get to meet Sam alot more now. hes is soully based on what is good for the plantaion and second thoughts his thoughts of Eliza leaving, he believes it will put a damper on the reputation of Mr Shelby and much else. Andy comes at this time and explains Mrs Shelby's happiness in this event and much confucion is brought to pass.

  Im sorrry, i undertsnat the overall tension here. But shes gone already! Do some thing about it! Im getting irritated by reading about people sitting and talking. We need some action, good ole modern American literature filled with all the violenec and sex you can hadnle, or at least a good chase down the river. Whatever gets me glued to that page will work.


ok im out



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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries