Entries "November 2005":

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 6-3

Everybody is at lunch as Sefelt, a ward member, has a seizure, BN gets mad at him for not taking his medication, and mcmUrphy ponders the lack of respect.

Once again, BN is retarded, if she doesnt change soon im gonna break int that book adn kick her. MARK THOSE WORDS!!!


One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 6-2

Now things are just weird, Mcmurphy is now doing exactly as BN says so he can get out of there quick, I think that lifeguard got to him.

If you ask me its a good strategy, he oughts try to get out of there, Imight kil myself first.

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 6-1

All the ward members go to a pool, and McMurphy talks to a lifeguard. Yes, outstanding, I know.

This as one of those "just about getting to the good part" segments, so stay tuned.

And I apologize for my briefing lately, I have to do this at a friends house because of home computer problems and i dont wanna be a jerk. Thanks

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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries
Thursday, November 17, 2005

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 5-3

 Bromden finally gets to the staff rooom, where Big Nurse and many of the pther wrkers are having a meeting in which they are considering geting rid of McMurphy or not. This doesnt happen.

For the first time something is happen about something. Now that a story is forming its making great time.


One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 5-2

  Chief sits at the Tv with everybody else as one of the servant boys tries to get him to get up and clean the staff room like everybody else. This takes awhile, but its worth watching.

This is great, now many of the patients are even being stubborn, I hope this keeps up.

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 5-1

It's basically this, everybody sat, they sat and looked at a blank TV. Thats about it...

This part of the book, was... BRILLIANT!!!! It had a great emotion setting to it. I just hope they dont do it again, I dont think thatd fit.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 4-3

In a surprisingly foggy (literally) meeting, McMurphy tries again to vote up the World Series issue, only this time a majority of patients vote on it, but it still doesnt approve. McMurphy proceeds to watching the game anyway as an act of defiance, which rattles Big Nurse.

This is just becoming too funny. I could care less about the World Series, but its nice to watch somebody stick it to the nurse.

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 4-2

Chief Bromden wakes up in the night to hear a conversation that a distant patient, Rawls, has killed himself. With no way to act upon this, he goes back to sleep.

Again, this ward is nuts and Id happily do something about it. It as if they are becoming a cult.

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 4-1

In a Ward Meeting, McMurphy proposes TV time is moved for the patients to watch the World Series. Big Nurse declines the proposal and McMurphy attempts to put it to a vote, which nobody applies to. This, in turn, angers McMurphy.

Personally, I now think that Big Nurse is simply insane herself. Just because the patients have lower mind control doesnt mean they are prisoners.

Sunday, November 6, 2005

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 3-3

Did you guys miss me. yeah, I was sure you didnt.

Ok this chapter was great, it involved the one thing that can supply any emotion or based way of life possible, yes people im talking about MONOPOLY!

McMurphy tries to set up a game of monopoly with they guys in the ward and it turns out as a giant bundle of coinfusiion, frustration, and piles of paper money.

I rather enjoieds this chapter, it gave a chance to show the appeal of the people in the ward other than big nurse and mcmurphy. i think they deserve that kinda time as a supporting cast.

Ok im out of here, you guys hava kickin week.

Here is my handle, here is my spout. Im a lil teapot, over n out!

-ME (thats actually Liu Xiang, hurdling extraordinaire, but you get the idea)

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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries

Modified on November 6, 2005 at 9:26 PM
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 3-2

Ok, this is one of two entries today, I couldnt give one last night so Im gonna ive one for yesterday, then go run for a quick snack and give one for today. Doesnt that sound fun!?!

Well, my favorite part of this booksis whenever they go into a ward meeting, and this is what happened. I just think it is fun because it really shw who is in the lead of manipulation, McMurhpy or Big Nurse.

Anywho, McMurphy won this round for sure. before the meeting he met with doc Spivey and they had a "talkin' to". In the meeting doc Spivey chimed in a pointed out a few things in the talk they had which included an idea for a ward carnival and a new space for a day room so not everybody had to hear rthe loud music. basically, it was time for mcMurphy to shine and take the attention offf of Big Nurse. Thus implying a victory for McMurphy.

This book is fun to read. Two different minds, both intellegent to an extent, battling at the same thing: getting things their way.  And to top it off, a bunch of psyche ward patients are surrounding them. Its like a weird dream i had onlyw when i had it i was in a river of steak sauce. Uhh...we'll get to that later.

Ok, ill be back in a sec for another post. Have a good time.

Spiritually Minded Is Life Eternal

be happy



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Posted by: Hurdling-Journalist    in: My entries
Friday, November 4, 2005

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest 3-1

Ok, this is about the 5th time ive tried to post a blog, so if this doesnt work i quit.

McMurphy and Big nurse have the biggest of big showdowns in the hall early one morning as McMurphy getsout of the shower. This one elads to screaming of Big Nurse and a triumpth for the amn in the towel. McMurphy attempt to do thisthr rest of the day but only get s a calm nurse hes used to seeing. therefore, Big nurse1 McMurhpy 1. its all tied up for round 2.

If you want my opinion its fun to watch these two beat eachother up mindwise. Thatsw hy its such a fun read.


Ok well im out of here.