
The Funeral

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Huck Finn 1-3

Huck decides he isn't going to let the king get qway with his aweful plot.  Huck goes into the King's room and steals the money.  He decided the best hting to do would be to hide the money and write the girls and tell them where it is when the king is long gone.  As Huck goes to hide the money, somebody starts walking down the stairs.  All Huck has time to do is Hide the money in the coffin.  The nest day is the funeral and everybody comes to pay their respect.  The king again makes a big scene about how much he will miss his brother.  They then lock up the coffin and bury it.  The king finally realizes that the money is gone and acuses Huck.  Huck just sayshe saw the niggers go into the king's room and come out acting funny.  This wasn't a problem for the niggers because the king had already sold them.

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