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Sunday, March 5, 2006

Almost Caught

Mockingbird  8-3

The boys decided they wanted to write a letter to Boo to come out and talk to them, but their dad catches them.  They then try to see inside of house.  Mr.  Radley saw them and shot his shotgun into the air.  Jem got stuck on the fence and just left his pants there.  Luckily Dill told a lie about where his pants were.  That happens in so many movies where theyhave to climb out of thier pants to run away.  I think it's a classical thing to makde someone almost get caught.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff

Mockingbird  8-2

Just for fun the children deside to play Boo Radley.  They get this whole story going on and their dad figures out what they are doing.  They get into trouble, but I don't see think what they were doing was neccessarily bad.  It wasnt' hurting anybody or anything.  Dill also asked Scout to marry him.  I thought it was so funny because they are just in elementry.  He is also a typical boy because the rest of the summer he and Jem ignored Scout and kept saying she acted too much like a girl.  It is funny to think about all the differences between guys and girls, and it's fun to read about conflicts similar to your own. 

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Posted by: Cute-stuff

Mockingbird  8-1

School finaly ended and Dill came back for the summer.  The children got into another discusion about the Radley's and Scout said something against Jem.  Well...for revenge when Scout got into a tire to be pushed around, Jem pushed her across the street.  Scout crashed in front of teh Radley's steps.  She was so scared she just rad away.  She said that she had heard someone inside the house laughing.  seh made a huge deal about it, but I bet Boo Radley happened to be watching and thought it was funny when she crashed.  Kids are so funny how they make a big deal  about little things.  I remember the days when I ws like that.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff
Sunday, February 26, 2006



Scout, the main little girl, goes to her first day of school and her teacher doesn't like her because she already knows how to read and write.  Miss Caroline told Scout that she is not allowed to be taught by her father.  This makes her really upset, but her father and she work out a compromise.  I think her teacher was a little jealous that this girl was already so smart.  I think she didn't want her dad to teach her because it would defeat the pupose of her job.  You would think that a teacher would encourage outside learning so they would have to do everything.  This book really emphasized some of the differences between now and then.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff


Maycomb is the little town that this story takes place.  It kind of reminds me of Tooele because everyone knows everyone.  People are always in each others business, and if someone isn't just like everyone else, they are condidered scary.  The Radley's are the "scary" people in this story and Jem and Scout, who live across the street, are afraid of them.  So many rumors are spread about the Radley's I wonder how many of them are true.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff
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