Entries "January 2006":

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Huck  3-3

Huck and Tom are making plans to break Jim out of his prison.  Huck notices that it would be really easy to break Jim out, but Tom wants the act to seem heroic and difficult.  He is making things extremelly hard and says that htey have to do everything just like they hear about elsewhere.  I think it is rediculous.  Crimes should be out of the normal and should be different.  Clues shouldn't be left because then people just get into trouble.  It is weird I'm making those sort of comments, but the difficultly Tom is Going about is sooooo annoying.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
The Real Tom

Huck 3-2

Huck decides to go to town to see if Tom is there.  As he is going up the road he runs into him, and Tom thinks he is a ghost.  Huck tells him the truth and then goes back to the house alone.  Tom comes by later and pretends to be a stranger, but then says he is Sid, Tom's brother.  They had just wanted to play a trick on the family.  Later that night they go to town and discover that the king and duke had been tarred and feathered for their scandalous show.  Huck felt bad, but I think they diserved it.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries

Huck 3-1

As Huck goes to the place where Jim is, he is trying to decide how to get him out.  Just then the woman of the house sees him and runs over and gives him a big huge and asks if he is Tom. Huck goes along with this not knowing anything about this "Tom."  /the Lady wants to know all about how his family is doing, but before he can say anything the man of the house comes home.  He doesn't know who he is so the lady says it is there nephew, Tom Sawyers.  What are the chances!  This book is so random but at the same time so predictable.  Everything works out just right and Huck never gets in trouble. 

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
Sunday, January 22, 2006


Huck  2-3

The King and Duke tried to work more town down the river but nothing would work.  Huck finally decided he was going to get rid of them once and for all.  I wish he would have got rid of theose jerks long ago.  Anyway, the King then goes and sells Jim, the nigger, and so when Huck goes to leave, Jim isn't there.  Now he has to come up with a plan to get him back and leave town with out the king or Duke.  It's a big mess and I hate to predict what will happen because then I'm not surprised when it does.  I like to just read and enjoy.  However, Huck is so unpredictable because everything is so random and spontaneous.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries

Huck  2-2

The Lawyer and the doctor take both sets of men and give them tests to see who the frauds are.  I wonder now how they discovered if someone was lying or not.  The tests they were giving them didn't seem very reliable to me.  They did use there hand writing as proof, but the man who did the writing had a broken arm so he couldn't prove anything.  They then had anissue with a tatoo on Peter's chest so they went and dug up the body.  When they found the bag of gold Huck escaped, but so did the King and Duke.  They were all mad at each other, but eventually forgot it.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
The Truth

Huck Finn  2-1

Huck goes by and sees the oldest girl crying so he decides to tell her the whole truth.  He sent her to stay the day at someones house and told he where he hid the bag of money.  He then told the rest of them a lie about where she had gone.  The KIng then held the auction of everything the girls owned.  All of a sudden there was a big commotion and the real brothers of Peter were there.  It makes me wonder if these new guys are real or frauds also.  I wonder why Huck made Mary Joe leave for the day.  She needed to be there to settle the whole matter. 

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Funeral

Huck Finn 1-3

Huck decides he isn't going to let the king get qway with his aweful plot.  Huck goes into the King's room and steals the money.  He decided the best hting to do would be to hide the money and write the girls and tell them where it is when the king is long gone.  As Huck goes to hide the money, somebody starts walking down the stairs.  All Huck has time to do is Hide the money in the coffin.  The nest day is the funeral and everybody comes to pay their respect.  The king again makes a big scene about how much he will miss his brother.  They then lock up the coffin and bury it.  The king finally realizes that the money is gone and acuses Huck.  Huck just sayshe saw the niggers go into the king's room and come out acting funny.  This wasn't a problem for the niggers because the king had already sold them.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries

Huck Finn 1-2

The king decides he is the brother from England who is a preacher.  The duke is the brother that is deaf and mute.  They go and greet the orphan girls and put on a huge scence over thier dead brother.  The whole town is convinced that these are the brothers except the doctor who warns everybody.  The oldest daughter gives the king a letter that says where 6 thousand dollars are hid.  They go and get it and give it to the orphans, but they give it back.  The king now wants to get rid of everything and steal every single cent from that family.  I can't believe they would do something like that and I hope Huck just leaves them behind somehow.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries

Huck Finn  1-1

As the men float down the river, then make more plans on how to swindle a town.  They then meet a man and find out all they need to know about a dead, rich man and his family.  Then then decide to be the long lost brothers who have come to see their dead brother and get the money he left them.  I don't think they will be able to pull it off.  I just hope somebody is smart enough to stop their plan.  I can't see how anyone could possibly and knowingly steal thousands of dollars from people. 

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries

Modified on January 14, 2006 at 1:13 PM