Entries "March 2006":

Monday, March 13, 2006

Ms. Conley this is not a blog I just forgot your email Please read

On my grade it says that I am missing a couple days with my dailies. I was not here on 2 of the days for that month. I was wondering if that is supposed to dock me points or if it will not count against me. Because I have and 82.73 % or something like that and I see that I only need an 83 so I was hoping that that would take care of that. I was also wondering if the Emily dickinson was going to be on this term. Thanks for your time. I will probably forget by tomorrow morning so I figured I would try to BLOG it. Sorry I know this isn't what this is meant for. But hopefully I will remember to talk to you about my grade.... I guess I have memory problems and ugly disease. I am so screwed!!!  Thanksfor your time. 

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
Sunday, March 12, 2006

9-3 Catch 22

This is so a rip off of top gun! Well sort of... I feel so horrible. This made me want to cry! Brings back bad memories of that blasted, greatest of all time, movie. A guy is tring to show off and he accidentally kills someone. And then he pulls a John Denver and crashes his plane into the mountain. This is so depressing!

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
9-2 Catch 22

Now maybe its just guys. I know that girls when they don't like someone they can go their whole life time without having to talk about them or enjoy the other person... Now guys can be in a fight and the next minute be a good friend to the person. This is what happens in the story. yar and Orr finally talk things out and now they quite enjoy eachother even though yar really didn't care for him at the start of the story.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
9-1 Catch 22

Ever been at the end of your rope? Well In this story Yar is... Before someone was trying to plan on killing the colonel and Yar made him not do it... Well now Yar likes the plan. It's a  shame that people will do anything to get out of their responsibilities.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
Sunday, March 5, 2006

make up 1-3 Catch 22

Oh man ever hear about those people who you just know are crazy? Well in this story Dobbs is seriously missing a couple nuts or bolts up in that noggin of his. I mean in the plane he goes crazy and almost kills everyone on board. Then he was planning on killing his own Officer... Now maybe its just me but I think that he might be a little Coo Coo if you know what I mean.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
make up 1-2 Catch 22

Yar is seriously the funniest man I think I have ever heard. He just does the things that most of us think about but would never dare to try. An example is he shows up to his medal ceremony NAKED! Now that is just hilarious. He always complains about EVERYTHING. He is just what we all wish we could do.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
make up 1-2 Catch 22

Yar is seriously the funniest man I think I have ever heard. He just does the things that most of us think about but would never dare to try. An example is he shows up to his medal ceremony NAKED! Now that is just hilarious. He always complains about EVERYTHING. He is just what we all wish we could do.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
Make up 1-1 catch 22

Oh this is very depressing. It is this way because how people can make others feel like they are no good. Like in the story the preacher or the chaplain feels like he is helping no one because people are liars and backstabbers. It is extremely depressing on how peoples actions can make them feel.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
8-3 Catch 22

Religeon is a huge battle between schools and everyone else. Now in this book some officers try to keep men from saying prayers because it might curse them or cause bad luck or the fact that some just plain out don't believe in god. It's amazing on how much peope debate on this subject. I think that we should all agree to be different and allow eachother to believe what we do and just let it be.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
8-2 Catch 22

Now persistancy is a good quality and yar has it down very well. He still is trying to come up with diseases that will keep him from having to fly dangerous missions. Its really strange on how much he does not want to fly... He must love his life a lot.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
8-1 Catch 22

K now I have heard of girls that are clean freaks but this is seriously something wrong. This girl that yar meets in Rome really likes him. Well they are way into eachother. But she won't get close to him until he lets her clean his room... K now I am new to this whole male-woman bond but that just seems above and beyond....

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
7-3 Catch 22

Its so true that the past will come back and bite you in the butt. Look at yar. He skipped out on the bombing mission and their was no resistance at all. But he was then forced to bomb it again and there was tons and tons of firing going on. He was lucky he didnt die. Looks like it will come back to bite...

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
7-2 Catch 22

This is just pathetic. I mean someone who tries to get out of so much stuff... it's just pathetic! I mean Yar skips out on bombing mission by pretending his radio is out.... How stupid and untrustworthy can you be?

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
7-1 Catch 22

Haha true boredom can sometimes be the funniest things you ever see or hear of. A great example in this story is when hungry joe wants to shoot this cat because it gives him nightmares. O but yeah you may say thats not funny but the others say its not fair to just shoot the cat but he needs to fight it. Of course he wins and now he feels so satisfied about beating a cat. But what he doesnt realize is that the cat gives him another nightmare! Haha this is just so stupid!!!!

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries