Entries "February 2006":

Monday, February 20, 2006

6-3 Catch 22

Oh my heavens!!! I have never seen anyone every try to get out of things so bad as Yar does. I mean its almost pathetic. If he would use half of that energy he could accomplish the task at hand. But he just makes everything worse! He gave the camp diaharea... hmm maybe we should try this with the lunch room food.... JUST KIDDING PLEASE DON'T REPORT ME I SWEAR I WON'T

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
6-2 Catch 22

Haha have you ever had those people that always are trying to out do you or always trying to be better than you. Its not just trying to achieve greatness, but the fact that they are greater than you! Well this is what is going on here. Major Major just outranked Captain Black. So he tries to get back at him by making Loyalty crap. Like pledging loyalty before eating... I mean if you cant win why always try to make yourself better when there is no hope?

»9:46 PM    »No comments     »0 TrackBack(s)     »Send entry    

Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
6-1 Catch 22

Death... This is a subject that no one likes but it is enevitable. No matter who we are or what we do death will touch us in one way or another. This is what Yar is going through. He has this dead guys stuff in his tent. This guy was named mudd but be died before he even signed in for duty. Talk about short lived....

»9:42 PM    »No comments     »0 TrackBack(s)     »Send entry    

Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
Sunday, February 12, 2006

5-3 catch 22 SORRY ABOUT THOSE LAST 2 THEY ARE REALLY 5-1 and 5-2

This reminds me so much of Johnny Cash's song boy named Sue. In this story a man Named Major Major is in camp. He had a very troubled child hood. His father was a very mean man and wasn't nice to anyone. So to be cruel he named his son Major Major. But in the war a computer makes a mistake and makes him a major so now his name is Major Major Major. HAHA. Talk about bad luck...

»9:45 PM    »No comments     »0 TrackBack(s)     »Send entry    

Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
4-2 Catch 22

Clevinger is a very smart man when it comes to war. But in this part of the story he gets very confused by why he is supposed to do what Milo wants. This is some feelings that we all feel because we always have that feeling that people are just pickin on us when really its just us.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
4-1 Catch 22

Yar is a funny guy... He will avoid war so much that he is willing not to eat healthy fruit because he doesn't want to eat and get better. He is a funny guy.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
Sunday, February 5, 2006

4-3 Catch 22

Okay this is going to hurt me to say but GUYS CAN BE PERVS!!!! I mean take Hungry Joe for example he lies to women and tells them that he is from this big time magazine. Now he may have worked for them before the war but now he is just getting women naked to take their pictures. Now it is guys like this that give men a bad name!

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
4-2 Catch 22

Wow now you can't tell me that there are things out in this world that you can avoid. I mean some things have to happen. I mean take Yar for example. He wants to keep from flying but he can't. So he tries to plead for insanity but if you plead to not fly you must be sane because only insane people want to fly bombing missions. Hard to follow huh!

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
4-1 Catch 22

Seriously I thought I had problems with my way of thinking but I seriously found someone that has even more than I do!!! Hard to believe huh. This guy in the book does things that he thinks are long and tedious. He believes that this would lengthen his life somehow. Okay I may have problems but this is just stupid!!!

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries