Entries "December 2005":

Sunday, December 11, 2005

8-3 Uncle Tom's Cabin

Everyone is dying!!!! First Eva and now St. Clare. This is horrible. This only shows how alchohol effects people and how they act. It is a vile drink and should never be allowed to be consumed. Although his death was  a bad thing, Topsy was finally taught and Ophelia's prejudice was shed. This was an amazing part of the story. It was crazy!!!

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
8-2 Uncle Tom's Cabin

Alright no more of this book. Too many emotions are going at once!!! This is horrible. I hate this book!!! Why does Eva have to die?!?! This is horrible...

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
8-1 Uncle Tom's Cabin

Love. That is what this is about. Eva is loving and caring towards slaves. This we know already. But this is not the love that I am talking about. Henrique is the one in love. He strikes his slave and she asks him to be nicer and more gentle. So he says he will because he is in love with her. THIS ALMOST BROUGHT A TEAR TO MY EYE!!! NOT!!!!

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
Sunday, December 4, 2005

7-3 Uncle Tom's Cabin

True team effort. Now you may see this in various things such as athletic events or even in plays or theatricals. Look at the Indianappolis Colts. Peyton Manning is the greatest in the NFL but he is nothing without his team. Without Eddgrin James he could do nothing. Or without any of his recievers. Now this story has greaat team work. Mrs. Shelby wants Tom back but they cant afford them. So  Aunt Chloe offers to sell her pies and cooking to help save up money for Tom. Now this is truly team work.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
7-2 Uncle Tom's Cabin

Eva is by far my favorite character in this story. She is so kind hearted and loving. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy... ok not that bad but you get the idea. Tom is trying to write a letter to his family to let him know that he is alright and he loves them but he is very illiterate. So Eva helps him write it. She is way cool. Gotta love her.

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries
7-1 Uncle Tom's Cabin

This book is very depressing. Nothing good ever happens to slaves. I have just found that out. In this part one of Tom's good friends has a baby. She has complications and cant feed the baby the "natural" way. The owners decide that they won't pay for milk for the baby. So eventually it dies of starvation. THIS IS SO HORRIBLE!!!  This almost brought a tear to my eye!

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Posted by: Cooper6390    in: My entries