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Friday, March 17, 2006

Huckleberry Fin                    8-3

 After Tom and Huck snuck away Tom wanted to venture to the kitchen for 3 candles but Huck was uneasy of the idea although he agreed. Tom retrieved the candles and left 5 cents for them and on there way to leave again tom snuck over and took the slaves hat placing it right above him. Once the slave awoke he was quick to tell stories of how witches came and took him all over and placed the hat above his head to show where he was and who had done it. The slaves stories quickly changed and he was becoming very well known as far as african americans were. People would come from all over to hear his miraculous story, each time it differing until the withches had taken him to travel the world.

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Posted by: CarstonLee    in: My entries

Huckleberry Fin                                    8-2

Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Fin hid out for what seemed like an eternity and the slave stood there announcinghe would leave til he heard another sound and found out where it had come from. Huck was itching terribly and it spread from his nose to his back and pretty soon all over his body even on the inside eventually and made him feel as if hewould die from it. Huick was quick to be soothed of his worries when he heard snoring coming from the slave and he and Tom were quick to sneak away on hands and feet after tom suggested it to Huck with a noise.

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Posted by: CarstonLee    in: My entries

Huckleberry Fin                               8-1

After  tom ahd arrived Huck snuck out his window quietly and ventured down a path avaoiding trees so they could avoid the noise. Huck hit his head ona branch though and awaked miss Watsons slave who came out asking who was there. Tom and Huck quickly hid under  some bushes and the slve came down the path still talking  and stood mere feet from where the young boys layed.

Thsi book is interseting but hard to read in a way due to he style of writing and the slang, improper grammar.

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Posted by: CarstonLee    in: My entries

The Phantom of the Opera                          6-3

 It was said that La Sorelli waws extremely graceful and had beauty that could make a man want to blow his brains out from unfulfilled desire.As far as brains went though, La Sorelli had close to none but it was never held against her. Just after all the commotion La Sorelli considered and suggested that maybe no one had seen him but sveeral girls said they truly had. After a brief argument, the ghosts box was brought up and what it was was his special seating box to watch. It was never sold out and no one ever wanted to enter. In he middle of the conversation, someone came in announcing joseph Buquet deaths and what a tragedy it was.

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Posted by: CarstonLee    in: My entries

The Phantom of the Opera                    6-2

After the intense debate of whether or not to open the door, La Sorelli bravely did it as the dancers retreated to the bathrooms and found absolutely nothing.La Sorelli told everyone that no one was there but little Jammes claimed there was and he had to be hiding out somewhere around there.La Soreeli told everyone they would go down to the speech together and return to get ready together as no one wanted to go back to the dressing room alone at that moment.

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Posted by: CarstonLee    in: My entries

The Phantom of the Opera                        6-1

After all the skeptics La Sorelli decided to give as much protection to the thetre as possible. When all the dancers were gathered in La Sorellis dressing room, little Jammes commented on a noise and claimed it was a ghost so in doing so he ran to the other side of the room and urged the girls to listen. There were no footsteps on a soft sound that of light silk sliding across the door. LA Sorelli being brave went to the door an dasked who was there, then with all the pressure asked if anyone was. Little Meg Giry remarked of course there is dont open the door,my god dont do it.

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Posted by: CarstonLee    in: My entries

The Phantom of the Opera                         5-3

 A fireman went to the theatre once to take a tour and inspect the cellars at the theatre, and it is made clear that a firefighter is brave, and definately not afraid of fire. Once the firefighter reappeared after going a little too deep into the cellar on his venture he  was pale, trembling, and bewildered while his eyes builged out of his sockets. Once he found someone he nearly fainted, and it was in Jammes mothers arms.Why did this happen...because he had seen a head of fire, the head of death at eye level at it came straight toward him.After the firefighters storiy everyone was skeptical and to keep safe a horse-shoe was kept on a desk for any who wished to venture further.

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Posted by: CarstonLee    in: My entries

The Phantom of the Opera       5-2

Joseph Buquet was was a serious, steady man with a slow imagination, and sober at that, Leaving no idea that he could make up such an occurence, as it had been seen by many others. After the first sighting that was reported, by Buquet, People began with immediate, encounterings, as they said they were. At first sensible people began to say joseph Buquet was the  butt of ridicule  bya practical joke played by others at the theatre.


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Posted by: CarstonLee    in: My entries

Modified on March 17, 2006 at 3:01 PM

The Phantom of the Opera                         5-1

 The continuence of the Phantom Of the Opera begins with the description given by the chief stage hand, Joseph Buquet, who said he saw him face to face. Joseeph was never one to be known to tell a lie and if anyone asked him he always gave the same distinct description, him in the black swallow tailed coat and a thin figure. His eyes stare straight ahead without moving and all you can see of his face is two dark holes, a little  bit of nose visible barely even from the side, and a few long dark locks of hair.

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Posted by: CarstonLee    in: My entries

The Phantom of the opera                                 4-3

  All of the girls had the same description of the Phantom as they called and that was his distinct black swallow tailed coat which he always wore and the only difference in his was that a skeleton wore it. All the girls in the house claimed to have met him in one way or another, as he always let his presence be known by quirky hppenings but as quick as he was spotted he was gone again, leaving no one to know where or how he escaped. AT first his myth was all a joke, all until his presence was made clear by the accident, all of which that happened at the house were his blame.

This book is getting interesting  quickly abd i have found myself wanting to get deeper very quickly.

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Posted by: CarstonLee    in: My entries