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Sunday, April 9, 2006

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 4-3

Tom takes Huckleberry and all the other boys that want to be in his gang, to a secret cave. They hold a meeting and they decide to call the band of robbers "Tom Sawyers Gang". All the boys must take an oath and write their name in blood. The oath was that the boy could never tell any of the bands sectets and whichever boy was ordered to kill that person and their family must do it. Their sign when they killed a person waas to hack a cross in their breasts. I think Huckleberry has got himself into a very bad situation, he is only a boy and is going to go out and kill people for no reason at all. I really don't get why Tom is starting this gang, and why he wants to go on a killing rampage.

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Posted by: tink
Modified on April 9, 2006 at 5:46 PM
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 4-2

 Huckleberry is so sick of being civilized and respcectable, so he runs away from the widows house. His really good friend Tom Sawyer hunts him down and tells him he is starting a band of robbers. The only way he can join is if he goes back to the widow and be respectable, so of course he goes back. One night Huckleberry is sitting in his room and he is hearing noises outside, and he kind of gets a little scared. Then he hears a me-yow and he knew it was Tom coming for him.

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Posted by: tink
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 4-1

 Huckleberry lives with a widow and her sister, they took him in after his mom died. They want to make him civilized, and not a wicked little boy. His dad is still alive but they don't know where he is exactly. Huckleberry has lessons everyday from the widows sister, and he can only sit still for so long. He gets really restless and she gets mad at him.

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Posted by: tink
Modified on April 9, 2006 at 5:34 PM
Thursday, March 30, 2006

The invisible man 3-3

 Kemp finds the perfect time to escape from his house and be the bait for Griffin. He runs all through the town and can her Griffin behind him, he yells to all his helpers that he is coming. Right then he gets smacked over the head pretty good, but he somehow gets a hold of Griffin. For some reason his flesh starts to appear and his true self, I was thinking maybe he has to take the medication every so often for it to keep working, so it was probably time to. I don't know how he got injured but Kemp informs them that he is not breathing. Well a sad ending but then again good but Griffin, is dead. It is a good ending for the people of the town because they are no longer in danger, and don't have to be on their guard twenty four seven.

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Posted by: tink
Modified on March 30, 2006 at 9:00 PM
The invisible man 3-2

 The invisible man sends a letter to kemp, and says to tell everyone that terro is taking over, meaning him. He kills a poor innocent old man, which is really cruel, because he wasn't even doing anything to deserve it. It just shows how cold hearted the invisible man is, and that he only cares for himself. Also in the letter the invisible man, tells Kemp he should be the one that is scared, because he just wants to get revenge on him. The invisible man comes to Kemps house to persue him, and starts breaking all the windows and everything. If I was Kemp I would totally be terrified and scared to death. He has it all planned out though he is the bait and he is just going to send Griffin chasing him around the whole town and then all the people he rallied up are going to catch him.

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Posted by: tink
Modified on March 30, 2006 at 9:00 PM
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