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Friday, March 24, 2006

The invisible man 2-3

 The Invisible Man is finally done telling his story. His friend is really worried about what he is going to ask him to do to help him. He totally doesn't agree with what he did to those poor people who he robbed. He doesn't come right out and say he doesn't agree with it, but you can tell by the questions that he asks, he doesn't like it one bit. The Invisible Man is about to tell him is plan that he is going to carry out.

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Posted by: tink
The invisible man 2-2

 The story continued, he goes and finds a costume that he thinks will work. But he is still really worried that people will buy it. He goes with it anyways, he goes and looks throughout the shop and finds all the money the guy has and totally takes it. This is downright rude and totally wrong, I really don't get how people can go and just do that kind of stuff and not feel any guilt or regret about doing it. His friend like I said is really shocked by this, and can't believe he didn't even help the guy out of the bag, but he said he would have shot him. This is a lame excuse, so what if he gets shot he totally freakin deserves it, anyone that robs someone does.

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Posted by: tink
Modified on March 24, 2006 at 5:49 PM
The invisible man 2-1

 The Invisible Mans friend, if really disgusted about all the things that he has done to people in his stories. He can't believe that he would act this way, and rob from poor innocent people. Once incident really left him shocked, it was when the invisible man was trying to get a costume, like a wig, clothes, and the whole enchilada. He goes to one of the shops and the owner is in there and can hear something and gets all creeped out and locks the door. So the invisible man is trapped he comes back with a revolver. The invisible man knocks him out and ties him in the bag, and goes about his business.

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Posted by: tink
Sunday, March 19, 2006

The invisible man 1-3

 There is another part of his story that he tells, that is quite interesting. It goes to show the being invisible still has it's dangers, and you have to be alert at all times. He is walking down a street and totally not paying attention well a man ran right into him and sent him into the road, where he was almost trampled by a carriage. I think if you were invisible it would be alot harder than being visible, because like in his story if you aren't paying attention for a second, something bad can happen. Also if you were paying attention and just walking and there are big crowds it would be hard to know which way to go so you don't get trampled by them.

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Posted by: tink
The invisible man 1-2

 One part of the story that he is telling to Kemp, shows that he begins to be obsessed with stealing and robbing places, for the need things. He goes to some town where they have all their shops hooked together, so he waits and waits till they close the store to begin stealing the things he needs. Well they finally do close and he steals money, and whatever other necessities he thinks he needs. He was planning on leaving right away but fell asleep, and awoke in the morning and heard people downstairs. He started trying to escape and the people heard him, and they could see him because he had clothes on. I think that is really stupid if you are going to rob a place and they can't see you, why do you put clothes on so they can see you. Well his reasoning was on the right track it was winter and it was cold, and I guess when he is invisible he is naked. You would think he would like make invisible clothes or something, so he could keep warm.

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Posted by: tink
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