
week 2:2

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    After a while, ender goes to the simulator.  Rackham tells him about how they've got new weapons on it for him to use, including one that would undo things on the moleculer level, and it's range would increase with the mass of the things that he was destroying.  He also learned that, as the simualtor pilots that he was commanding were none too smart, he would be getting some real soldiers he could trust to be his commanders.  Then he put on his headset and heard the voices of all his old friends from the years before at battle school: Bean, Alai, Petra, Dink, Carn Crby, and all his old toon leaders from dragon army.  they had finally given him his friends back. 

It's just too bad that they now have made him so intent on his purpose that he no longer has time to be happy.

After a month of training with them, Mazer rackham shows him a video of their last battle, from the enemy's point of view.  he comments on how they look like the bugger fleet.  They had reached the point in their working together that they were able to flow together perfectly, matching the fluidity of the bugger fleet, but they were better because eac ship was it's own personality and could react individually to each situation, unlike the bugger's hive mind.

Rackham tells him that the test begins now, to see if they are ready.  He tells ender that he will now be the enemy, Ender will have to defeat Rackham in a series of battles to pass.  And he can't loose any.

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