
week 8:2

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    Graff takes Ender to a launch station, where they take a shuttle to the long-distance launching satellite that orbits earth.  On the way up, Graff tries to comfort Ender, who is positive that graff doesn't care abou thim, and that the gesture was was Graff had been trained to do.

    From there they commandeer a shuttle to the IF command center (where the school is), which is on a large asteroid called Eros, on the far reaches of the galaxy.  Ender realizes Graff's true indifference to the world when he tells the captain of the ship that since he has seen the secret center of the fleet command, he can't leave untill after the war.

    On the month-long journey to Eros, Ender asks Graff all that he can about the buggers.  Graff tells him that they really don't know much, but that basically the whole reason that their war with the buggers started was becasue they were not able to communicate.  He told Ender about how the Buggers can communicate with each other instantaneously and how humans have been able to copy their form of mental communication with machines.  he says that since the buggers can do this with their brains, they have no need for a language, which is why early diplomatic envoys were seend as threats by them, and vis versa.  he said that the war may be stupid, but all that matters is that the buggers are now trying to kill them and there's nothing to do but try and survive. 

    I saw this part as a subliminal protest to war, and how most of them are started due to a failure to communicate.  It reminded me of Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5.

    Throughout this whole section of the book, i view Ender's willingness to learn as a sign of his impatience to get the deed done so he can go home.  he's still a little kid, and that becomes more and more obvious as the story goes on.

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