
week 8:1

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    In this next part, it tells of how Ender has been taken down to Earth for a short leave before he goes to command school.  While Graff has intended the stay on Earth to be only a few weeks at most, Ender has been there for about thrre months, refusing to leave.  So what does Graff do?  Once again, he calls Valentine for help. 

    She goes to the little lake where Ender has been staying, where he's built himself a raft so he can go out onto the lake all alone, away from the officers.  she goes out onto the lake with him, and even though she is twelve and he is only ten, the hardness of his mannerisms scare her.  She tries not to show it, but he notices, and doesn't seem to mind.  After a long talk, she thinks she realizwes why he doesn't want to fight the buggers anymore.  She thinks that it is because Peter is the only true enemy he's ever had, and he's never been able to beat him.  She tells Ender that by beating the buggers, he will deny Peter the power that he so craves, and thereby beat Peter.  Ender surprises her by saying that he never wanted to beat Peter, he just wanted to be loved by him.  It is then that Valentine realizes that even though the 4 years he's been at battle school have changed alot about him, he's never really changed at heart.  She tells him that she will love him no matter what he does, win or lose, even if Peter never does.

    Valentine leaves, and Ender decides to go to Command School.

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