
week 7:3

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In the intro to the chapter, the commander of the IF is asking Graff if he knows about how there is a plot to beat the living hell out of Ender, if not kill him.  Graff says that he does, and yet he will do nothing about it, and reaffirms his philosophy that if they help Ender, he’ll never reach his full potential.


            It’s been 4 weeks since we last saw Ender, and his army has had a battle every day.  They haven’t lost, even though the games are increasingly more stacked against them.  After beating an army that won’t stay frozen, Ender goes to the showers during lunch.  While he’s in the shower, Bonzo Madrid, Bernard, and others come in to “persuade” Ender to start loosing some games.  Ender taunts Bonzo, saying that his father would be proud of him, bringing six friends to beat up a naked little kid in the showers.  Bonzo is enraged, but he evens the odds, he forbids his friends to join in, and takes off his own clothes.  Dink Meeker comes in to try and save Ender, but they stop him.  Ender uses the advantage of his soapy skin to escape Bonzo’s grasp, and then proceeds to beat the ---- out of Bonzo.  Bonzo is laying face down in a pool of his own blood when Dink takes him from the bathroom.  Dink keeps reassuring him, but Ender feels terrible, he cries and says that he never wanted to hurt him.


Ender goes back to his room and sleeps for about ten minutes, when he finds another battle notice, a battle against two armies.  They go out, and realize that the Teachers have situated the lights and stars in the battle room so Ender couldn’t see any of the opposing armies.  Ender has Bean take his group to go find out what’s happening on the enemy’s side, and using an invisible deadline Bean found, they do.  The other armies are just waiting for Ender to do something, so Ender shocks them all and makes a formation, a shield around other soldiers that they drove into the mass of the enemy just when things were looking the worst for Ender, the lights come on and Dragon army is proclaimed winner.  Everyone wonders what happened, while Ender was creating the huge distraction with the rest of his army, Bean took his group and opened the enemy’s gate, winning the game.  Ender yells at Major Anderson, asking him when they’d start giving him even odds.  Anderson ignores him, but one of the enemy commanders says that as long as Ender is on one army, they teams would never be fair.  All the soldiers, enemy and Dragon army alike, start cheering for Ender.


            Ender goes back to his room, to find from Bean that they have disintegrated his army, making all his toon leaders and assistants commanders of armies whose commanders they had graduated.  Ender finds that he’s been graduated, to command school.  Before Graff takes him to command school, though they have to return to earth first.


This chapter has a prologue thing, where two commanders talk about how Ender actually killed Bonzo in the fight, and how Graff would probably be charged with Bonzo’s death after it was all after.  They also tell how Ender killed Stilson, years ago, and how they don’t plan on telling him about either of those deaths.

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