Entries "April 2006":

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Fire and the Covenant 4-3

Ok so they have hit yet another bump in the trail.. After a painful ten days of riding on an qful train car the immigrants finally make it to iowa. When they get there they are supposed to meet their leaders who will guide them in the continuation of their journey to Utah. But, they get a big surprise. The leaders don't even know that they are coiming. Apparently the mail that came from England telling them of thier coming didn't get to iowa. So, all of the supplies, and money have been exhausted. Everyone in America was under the impression that no one else was coming this year. So, things could get ugly from here on out. They are not sure wheter to let them continue the journey, or to have them stay in Iowa for the winter. No one really knows what to do. The group of saints become very discouraged of course. Wouldn't you if you found out that after all of those obstacles you overcame just to get to Iowa you found out that no one ther was expecting you. THe leaders themselves were just preparing to leave. So, now everyon is pretty much unsure of what to do. For the meantime they are staying in Iowa preparing to go on the trail, unless they change their mind. Wow this is one hard journey for these people.

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Posted by: benjamin-ray    in: My entries
Fire and the Covenant 4-2

Alrgiht so things have been hard lately. The James's youngest baby died. THe family is struggling to come to grips with that. THeir faith was really shaken there for a second. But, soon they were bak on track. 42 days after setting sail they aer finally in America. The ship went through customs in one day flat. It was pretty easy for all of them. But, then the hard part hit. The group has to travle form New york to Iowa on train practically the whole way. But, becasue there is so many of them the church had to buy the cheepest tickets possible. THese ended up being storage carts turned into passanger vehicles by putting benches around both sides. It was pretty bad for them. Plus the train engineer didn't make it bery easy on them. He gave them a pretty rough ride. Everyone is now just hoping to get to iowa as soon as possible so that they are off the train. these people have amazing faith to stand such awful conditions. Good for them.  

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Posted by: benjamin-ray    in: My entries
Fire and the Covenant 4-1

Alright so everyone is on the ship now and has been for about 10 days or so. Even though they are on a ship the normal cycles of life are still continuing. Everything seems to be like real life. In these ten days there has been 2 births, two deaths, and one marriage. It seems like things are going to continue as normal. In all there are about 700 people who are moving to Utah. about 200 of them do not speak English so things have been very hard for those few people. The leader of the group came up and started to talk to Maggie. He knew about her situation with James and how hard it was for her to decide to leave him and come to America. He reminded her of why she made this decision and that it was the right one. He also shared some insight with her. He told her that it was the Fire of the Covenant, or Maggie's covenant of baptism that drove her to make the right choice. He really encouraged her. THen he asked her to do something very very hard. He asked her to teach five Danish people, including Olaf and Eric how to speak English. The only problem is that she has no text books, and does not speak much Dutch at all. IT is going to be a challegne. BUt, being a very courageous girl, she takes the challenge. Her first day of class goes well. She is very scared at first, but it looks like things are going to be just fine. She is an awesome girl.  

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Posted by: benjamin-ray    in: My entries