Entries "February 2006":

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Call of the Wild         7-3

The people in the town helped with the sled and helped gather everything up. The dogs were returned and Hal and his family were treated like idiots in a way. People gave them pointers on a safer journey and told them that they couldn't take a tent, blankets, canned food, ar anything like that because it was to heavy. They also told them to throw away their dishes because no one would wash them anyways.

Merecedes bawled the whole time that she lightened her load. She cried over every article she had to throw away, then attacked the mens bundles of cloting next tearing through it with revenge.

Later, they added six more dogs onto the team making it 14 dogs in all. Buck was extremely disgusted in the new members of the team however.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The CAll of the Wild         7-2

Buck ws getting extremely irritated just like the other dogs that were there. He did not like the way that he was being abused.

A man suggested to Hals to brake the sled from the snow. The sled was frozen to the snow so the dogs just couldn't move it. Hal did so and soon the sled was moving.

Buck got the sled to go quite fast once they were out. They went down a hill and picked up speed, but at the hill was a bend and on the sled was the huge pile, not a good combination. Only a very skilled driver could managed that. The sled tipped over and the driver thrown off, but Buck didn't stop, nor did any of the other dogs. Buck was extremely mad at the whipping he recieved from the man and took the team all through the town.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild         7-1

Soon after they were packed, the dogs were all hooked up to the sled. Hal was going to drive them. The pile that ws on the sled was enormous. It was piled so high that it would be dangerous to go around a bend going ant anything but 3-4 miles per hour.

The men obviously weren't experienced with dogs and sleds. Hal got onto the sled and started whipping the dogs trying to get them to move, but the dogs could just notmove the sled. A group of men walked past at this point all of them laughing at Hal's "progress". they tried to give him advice like taking thing off of the sled but Hal and Merecedes wouldn't listen. Merecedes stepped in everytime that Hal would start whipping them but in the end it was useless.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild         6-3

When Buck was taken to his new team, he observed that none of the dishes were clean, everything was in disorder.

The mens names were Charles and Hal. He met awoman named Merecedes who was Charles' wife and Hal's sister.

He watched as the men began to take the tent down and pack everuthing up. The people didn't know a thing about what they were doing. The tent was twice the size it should have been and the people thought that the dogs could pull a mountian.

They got everything set and what they thought was ready to go.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild        6-2

They reached their destination finally, once they were almost to weak to function. The masters, were confident  that the dogs would be able to rest once they got them to their place. Once there, they would find new dogs to replace the useless ones, and they would be sold.

On the morning of the fourth day, Buck was sold, harness and all. He knew this because of the money transaction he was watching.

The men that bought him, there was two, one that had a mustache that curled up and another that was only 20 or so.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild               6-1

The team got tireder and tireder. It wasn't the usual fatigue, it was the fatigue that comes from months of malnutrition and lack of sleep.  Buck lost 25 pounds within those months. They went over 2500 miles since they had been with their new people. During that time, they only had 5 days of rest. All the other dogs had lost more weight than Buck though.

This book is really good. I like it alot. I think that the author is a great person and knows what he is talking about. I really have enjoyed the way that the dogs are portrayed, and that the characters are really drawn.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

 The Call of the Wild          5-3

Dave, a member of Bucks, old team, got really sick. he could barely move. The people took care of him and they even let himride on the sled, but Dave wouldn't allow this. He didn't want anyone taking his place and he didn't want to be denied his work.

Eventually it got to the point that Dave was a nusiance. After many days, they finally decided that Dave needed to go. He couldn't walk, he could barely even move. He was put out of his miserey and the team left.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild       5-2

After a hard day of work, Buck would go and lay by the fire and watch the flames. He often dazed or dreamed. He dreamed about the Judges home and if they missed him or not. His mind would turn things into another, like when he looked at the cook through the flames, his mind would change it to a wealthy cook feeding him the best food a dog could ever want.

The dogs all became tired. They delivered the mail they were carryining, but they should have had at least a weeks worth of rest but within two days, they were back on the trail. The dogs were tired and weary. They were irritable all the time.

Everyday it snowed which made it worse for the dogs. But the people were nice to them. They always took care of the dogs before themselves.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild        5-1

Then came the official orders. Francois had to give up the team. His work with them was done. He wrapped his arms around Buck and just cried. He never met a dog like Buck and now to have to let him go was breaking his heart.

 Bucks was taken over by a Scotch Half-breed dog, same with his team. It was no light running or anything now. Each dog had to pull at least fifty pounds each or more. Buck prided himself in knowinf that each member of his old team carried their weight or else they were punished by him.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the wild       4-3

Francois was getting very upset. They needed to leave. but Buck wouldn't cooperate. They didn't know what else to do, but let Buck lead.

With Buck as their new leader they never made so much progress. With Spitz gone, there was no more problems with any of the dogs. They made the best time ever and set records along most trails they rode on. They were the best team there. In every town they went to, they were praised.

Buck made himself comfortable with the new and improved team. He would lay comfortably by the fire at night and just daze. He was the new leader.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild        4-2

Buck fought with all his might to get Spitz on the ground, but knew that if he ever fell to the ground himself, there was no way that he could make it. He fought to stay on his feet. Finally he got his chance, and Spitz was dead. It was over. He howled to the moon as all the dogs came and tore the rest of Spitzs' body apart.

The next day, Francois knew what happpened. He knew that Spitz was dead. With the leader of the pack gone, they had to get a new leader. Buck was extremely disappointed to find that it wasn't him. It was Sol-Leks. Buck refused to stay in his place. He ran to the leaders spot anddecided that he wasn't going to leave that spot until it was his for sure.


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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild        4-1

The opportunity never presented itself for Buck to finish off Spitz. The team pulled into their next stop and was given the week off to recouperate. On their journey, they were making the best time that they have in a long time. But Buck was still the terrible tirante.

One night, their team along with another couple of teams, all the dogs were together and a rabbit showed up. All the dogs were hungry for fresh raw meat, especially Buck. All the dogs totalling forty, chase after the defensless animal.

Buck was in the lead, along with Spitz, but they just couldn't catch the rabbit. They went around a bend and Spitz cut through a field for a shortcut and headed the rabbit off. Buck got there just in time to hear Spitz crush the rabbits' neck. Buck did not stop though. He kept going and didn't stop till after he rammed Spitz.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries