Entries "January 2006":

Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Call of the Wild 3-3

Francois new it was only a matter of days before Buck killed Spitz, or the other way around. From then on, it was war. Spitz for some reason felt his position threatened by buck and didn't want his position filled by him.

Buck made it a point now that he wanted leadership. He felt driven to pursue it. One mornig, one dog failed to come up from the snow. While perrault an dFrancois looked for the dog, spitz was smelling and pawing the ground, snarreling threatningly for the offending dog. Once the dog was unearthed, Spitz sprang to punish the dog. Buck lept in his was and over threw Spitz. The other dog then leapt on Spitz and so dig Bick. The Francois laughing came to break up the fight. Buck ended up getting quite the whipping because he didn't want to obey Francois.

Days continued to go by and Buck always stepped in the way of Spitzs' discipline for the other dogs. He kept the men busy at keeping the fights going. Francois was just waiting for the time to come when Spitz and Buck  would collide.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild   3-2

One day, a dog named Dolly suddenly went crazy. She announced this with a wild howl then sprand straight fot Buck. Buck had never seen a dog go mad and all he could do was run. He ran all around camp. Francois was watching all of this and cam to Bucks rescue. He grabbed an axe. Buck lead Dolly back to camp and Francois. As dolly came to fFrancois also, he slapped the axe down on her and it was over.

Buck staggered over to the sled. Spitz was watching and chose this moment to attack Buck. Twice he bit Buck to the bone slashing with all his might. The Francois came to his rescue again and punished Spitz with the club. Buck was greatly pleasured by this.


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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The call of the Wild     3-1

They left cam p and still had almost four hundred  miles to go before they could get anymore food or anything. Francois was sure that havoc was going to break loose between the dogs. Perrault again, led the way for the dogs. He walked on the ice infront of them with a stick held sideways so that in case he fell, he wouldn't fall completely through. They only made a fourth of a mile that day.

Because of Buck gene's he had very soft feet compared to others. His feet were so sore that they made him some shoes for him to wear.  He wore these all the time and would not go anywhere without them. He sore them till his feet grew hard and calloused and then threw them away.


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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild         2-3

Buck sprand on spitz with unnexpected force. They were circling each other when the unnexpected presence of something else jumped in. There were almost a hundred wild starving huskies that came and attacked the camp. Perrault and Francios ran around hitting as many dogs as they could with clubs while the rest of the team attacked as many as they could also. The wild dogs were after the food and everything that the men had. They even ate their moccassins.

Buck killed several of the hiskies and was attacked by Spitz again. Billie, the dog, led a few of the pack away from the river and into the forest to try to lead the other huskies away from them. Spitz again was trying to attack  Buck but Buck was able to follow Billie and the rest of the dogs.

The nine dogs, sought shelter in the woods and stayed till morning, then limped silently back to camp. The huskies had totally ruined some things. They chewed threw the reins and everything for something to eat. They were in bad shape. Francois and Perrault spent the morning trying to get everything ready to leave, and finally had the reins in working condition.


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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild           2-2

Buck began getting a very keen sense of everything. he learned to eat everything he could. His body was bulking up and he was very strong now. He could tell the forcast with his keen senses now. He is beginnig to feel his ancestoral background coming out in him. He was howling at night, serenating the moon like those before him.

Him and Spitz hated each other. Spitz was a horrible , mean dog and Buck was normally a very nice dog, but when the two came together they were terrible. pitz always went out of his way to bully spitz.

One night, it was to cold to continue moving the pack so they stoppedon a frozen river bed for the night. Behind them , was a very largerock wall that helped cover them from the wind. Buck had dug his nest and was just getting all snug and warm when Francios gave them there fish. He didn't want to leave his nest, but his food would be gone if he didn't move quickly.

When he came back to his nest, he found it occupied by spitz. Buck had taken enough bullying and this was it.  

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

Modified on January 29, 2006 at 10:12 PM

The Call of the Wild         2-1

They traveled 40 miles that day but the next few, time was slow.  The snow kept falling causing the path to be covered with loose snow. Perrault traveled ahead of the pack with large snow shoes to try to pack down the snow for the team.

Buck was getting very hungry. They worked from dawn till dusk and his food ration was only a pound and a half of salmon which hardly seemed to last at all. He was a dainty eater compared to all the rest of the dogs and while he was eating, other dogs would come and rob him of his own food. He was ravenous.

Buck began stealing food from perrault and francois. He would sneak up to where it was cooking and then steal a piece of bacon.  His stealing was benefitting him well. He was never caught and he was beginning to regain some stregnth and was filling out well.


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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries
Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Call of the Wild         1-3

That day, Perrault, one of the men particularly fond of Buck, harnessed the dogs to the sled and then they were on their way. Buck was purposely placed between Dave and Sol-Leks to learn instruction, and they were great teachers. by the end of the day, he was an expert at pulling a sled.

It was a tough day and all the dogs wer tired. Buck and many others dug their holes and slept till morning, but were found by perrault all to early. he came and dug them out of the snow.

Then they were off on another days journey.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild        1-2

Buck woke with a start and instantly felt claustrophobic. He couldn't move and he felt something heavy on him. He remembered where he was began to paw his way out unsuccessfully.

He got into a crouching position and with one giant leap, he was out of the snow looking aroud his snowcovered camp. He watched may other dogs do the same. The humans came to search and make sure all the dogs were there.

One of the humans looked at Buck and said, "See, he's a quick learner,he'll do fine."

I really am enjoying this book. I'm learning alot about animals and survival I never knew.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild        1-1

Billie and Joe get used to things around their new home. Anew dog arrives named Sol-leks which means angry one. Sol-Leks was a dog who seemed very solemn. He bore many scars and was blind in one eye. Buck learned the hard way, that Sol-Leks did not like to be approached on his blind side.

Injured because of Sol-Leks, he had a nice gash in his shoulder and he faced a sleeping delima. It was to cold to sleep outside, and the humans wouldn't let him sleep inside so where was he to sleep. He was walking outside when he tumbled through a pile of snow, inside the pile was Billie(the nice one) .

Buck understood now. Silently he picked a spot in the snow and dug him a hole. There he slept warmly for the rest of the night.


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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries
Monday, January 16, 2006

The Call of the Wild       11-3

The ship reached land an dBuck was let onto the cold snow covered ground. He was surprised all the time with this new land, he had never seen so much snow.

The next momment, he was being trained every second aand had no time to rest. This was a drastic change compaired to the lively days he spent at home.

One day, there was a fight between a girl dog named curly and another beasty boy dog. Curly was torn to shreds. All the other dogs came and circled around them and waited for one to fall. Curly was the one who fell and all the other dogs ripped her apart, literally. Buck had never seen such cruelty and was hurt by how terrrible dogs and people could be, for the people just laughed at the whole thing.

Buck was put in a harness after that incedence and was a little ashamed that he would be wearing something for a horse. He was trained to pull a sled with a team and was surprised with the new arrival of two dogs, Billie and Joe.

This book is really sad, but I'd rather read about this than someone's trip into insanity and back.


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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild        11-2

He spent days on a ship along with all the other dogs. He could feel the days getting colder and anticipation in the air. He could feel it in the air, change. Something was going to be very different.

The ship stopped after a couple more days and Buck experienced snow. he tasted it and was astonished by how it dissapeared so quickly.  This was his first snow.

I really like this book so far. It could have alittle more action, but I really am enjoying this story.


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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Call of the Wild          11-1

Buck realized that he could not beat this human. Silently he surrendered his defeat. He was sore and bleeding all over his face. His ego was broken and he was just plain mad at himself for not living up to who he thought he was.

As the days went by, he healed and nourished himself eating raw meat that the man with the club gave to him. He watched as other dogs were brought to the man also and he watched them get beaten to unless they were nice.

Often there were battles for food in his pen. He sometimes went without because another dog would try to sneak and often times succeeded. Bick would react and as a result, he would get hit with the club.

This book is really sad, but I find myself actually drawn to it. I hope it gets even better.


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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries
Sunday, January 8, 2006

The Call of the Wild            10-3

The car came to a halt. He was unloaded form it and set before his new owner. The man approached the animal with a hatchet and a club. The men who had unloaded Buck asked the man if he was going to let the dog out now. The man answered yes and the other men scrambled to get to where the dog couldn't reach.

The man began cutting apart the crate. Buck was not going to let some one get him down again. With no collar on his neck, he would never let another one be put there. He hadn't eaten or drank in two days an he had turned evil. In his opinion, his owner Judge, wouldn't recognize the dog he's become.

When he was released, and tried to attack, he was beaten to a pulp. He tried to win but he was hit with the club so many times, he couldn't move. His new owner told him that if he behaved, no harm would come to him, but if he didn't, he would suffer.

This book is so sad and strangely, I find myself thinking about it. I actually might like this book and read the whole thing.


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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild                10-2

Then next thing he new was that he was in terrible pain. His nack and tongue felt horrible. He realized what he was, he was a kidnapped king (in his own words). He couldn't understand what was happening to him. What did these people want.

The next second, he was held down and choked again. He waited a few seconds then the man trying to hold him in the baggage car tried to choke him with his hand. Buck was to quick for him this time. He caught the mans hand in his mouth and didn't let go till he was choked again and had no choice.

After that he was tackled down and the choking collar was taken off him andhe was thrown into a crate. He understood some of what the people said and they were planning on never taking him home. Stuck in the crate, he could do nothing.

He was transported on various vehicles and such. Finally he was loaded back onto another baggage car.

This is so sad. But at least it is a clean book, so far.


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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild               10-1

A character named Manuel comes into the picture at this point. Manuel likes to play Chinese Lotterey and often didn't have enough money for his family. He was a helper for the Gardner working at the house. Buck didn't know what this mans intentions were when he called to Buck and started walking with him around the house.

He took Buck to a place called College Park. When they were there, a man approached them. The two men said ssome things to each other while Manuel was putting a rope around Bucks neck. Then Manuel handed the rope to the other man.

At this point, he realized what was happening to him. He was being given to someone he didn't trust. He lunged toward the man and tried to attack. Instantly, he was choked by his caller and thrown over the mans back. Then he was thrown into the back of a train.

This book is much more interesting than that terrible Catcher in the Rye. I still am not into it completely but I think this book is the best I have read all year.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries
Thursday, January 5, 2006

The Call of the Wild        9-3

Over this great house and property, Buck ruled. He was born there and lived there for four years of his life.  There were other dogs there named Toots and Ysabel. Many other dogs were there but they came and went as they pleased.

Buck is a dog, I just found out, and he thinks that the whole realm is his to rule. He protected the family and was always there for them.His father was named Elmo and he was an extremely large St. Bernard. His mother was a Scotch Shepherd dog and so he's dissapointed because he wasn't as big as his father,whom he intended to follow in his footsteps, after all he only weighed  145 pounds!

During his four years of his life, he lived as a sated aristocrat. He was prideful and even egotistical. He thinks he saved himself by not being a housedog.

I think that this book will be much better than the other books I've read or have tried to read. I think that this book is still going to be a little bit boring for me. I like mystery and action books more than this boring American Literature(no offense).

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Call of the Wild          9-2

"Old longings nomadic leap, Chafing at custom's chain ; Again from its brumal sleep Wakens the ferine strain."

The main characters name is Buck. In a newspaper edition, it says that there is trouble a bruin, not only for Buck, but for every tide-water dog, strong of muscle and with warm, long hair. Apparently, some men had found some yellow metal and also steamships and transportation companies were booming the find, thousands of men were rushing into the Northland.

Buck lived in a big house in Sants Clara Valley. It was called Judge Miller's place. It was a beautiful house complete with acre's of property. It was equiped with stables ,outhouses, grape arbors, pastures, orchards, and berry patches.

This house seems like it would be the perfect dream house for myself, it sound exquisite. The house and the property sound phenominal. A paradise.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries
The Call of the Wild

Jack London            9-1

Jack London wrote the book "The Call of the Wild". He also wrote many other novels pertaining to Wolves.

Jack London was married to a woman named Charmian. He suffered from many health problems many that came and went. He was into traveling the world and was very interested in nature. He was a kind man and very creative with his writing. Although he suffered many hardships, he was very greatful for the things he had.

During the last months of his life, he was in Hawaii relaxing, trying to regain his strength. Failing to do so, he died November 22, 1916 of Gastrointestinal Uremic Poisoning. He was 40 years old and suffering from a variety of ailments, including a kidney condition that was extraordinarily painful.    

He suffered greatly during his time on earth. Many people say that it was time well spent.


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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries