Entries "November 2005":

Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Catcher in the Rye       6-3

Ackley, Robert Ackley, roomed right next to Holden. He walked into the room from the shower that was in between the two rooms. He examined the room making sure his enemy, Stradlater, wasn't there. He greeted Holden boredly and tiredly. Then went about the room looking at all Holden's personal things. He asked about the fencing match and when he found out about the subway disaster, he got up in Holden face.

He keeps getting into Holden business and won't take a hint that Holden wants him to leave him alone. Ackley just keeps bothering him about stupid stuff and junk.

I think that this book could be good, if it weren't so stinkin slow and bitter.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Catcher in the Rye                 6-2

Holden really wants to leave and is anxious to find an excuse to leave. He tells Mr. Spencer that he really needs to go to get his gym equipement from the gym, but he doesn't really, he doesn't even keep his stuff at the gym. Mr. Spencer permits him to leave, and Holden does.

He goes back to his dormitory. His dormitory is called Ossenburger Memorial Wing  after some rich guy who went to school there and graduated and became a undertaker guy and became rich. Then he donated alot of it to the school, who then built the dormitory and named it after him.

He went into his room and began to read a book called " Out of Africa" one that he actually liked. Then in came a fellow named Ackley.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Catcher in the Rye        6-1

Mr. Spencer begins asking him why he is doing so terribly in school. Holedn decides to hold back his terrible responses from the old man. Mr. Spencer has flunked him from his History Class and is asking him if he knows why. Holden says he does and its because history just doesn't interest him. They go on talking about this subject for quite some time. Holden the whole time wonders why the heck he decided to come visit Mr. Spencer, he knew that this was all that was going to happen.

This book is really slow and doesn't really have anything going on in it except an opinionated rebel.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries
Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Catcher in the Rye          5-3

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer each have their own rooms and everything. They are about 70 years old each. Mr. Spencer was a stooped over man with very bad posture and couldn't bend over himself to pick anything up off the ground. Holden wonders what he still is living for. He goes into his room and instantly wishes he hadn't. In the room, there was pill bottles all over the place and it smelled like vicks vapor rub stuff.

Mr. Spencer welcomes him into the room quite happily and they begin to talk . Mr. Spencer asks him questions about what he's going to do with himself and if his parents know he's not going back to school. He begins this little"Nodding Routine" that absolutely bugs Holden to death.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Catcher in the Rye            5-2

He's running to get to Mr. Spencers house, and why, he doesn't know. He can't catch his breath very well because he's a frequent smoker or at least used to be, but had to give it up. He recently, grew six and a half inches and almost got t.b. what ever that is.(That was in the last book I read to I think that its some kind of lung virus or something.)He reaches the house and begins pounding on the door. It's really cold because its December, that's why he wants to say good bye to his teacher, because after christmas break, he isn't coming back.

Mr. Spencers' wife opens the door though. She invites him in. I found out his name, its Holden. She appears to be kinda deaf and doesn't hear half of what Holden is saying. She eventually gets what he's saying though and sends him into Mr. Spencers room.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Catcher in the Rye         5-1

The main character is at a little prep school called Pency Prep, and isn't very happy about it. He begins saying things that we'd "like to hear" but says that its to personal. He's at a football game at the moment and watching from a distance. Earlier that day, he got into trouble for losing the fencing equipment from a game on a bus. Then he was kicked out or the prep school.

He's on his way to his history teachers' house to say good by to him now. While on his way, he thinks about how dumb the school is for not letting alot of girls go to the football games.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries
Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Catcher in the Rye       4-3

Sorry! I forgot to do the About the Author Page, so I'll do it now.

Jerome David salinger was born January 1, 1919. He had a jewish father and a Irish-Catholic mother.He attended prep schools all his childhood and was sent to Valley Forge Military School.

he was drafted into World War 2 and was invloved in the invasion of Normandy. he saw some of the bloodiest battles of the war, which greatly affected him.

He has been married 3 times and now lives alone and prefers it that way. He doesn't like people.



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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries
Sunday, November 13, 2005

The Catcher in The Rye        4-2

This book is really wierd and I don't really like it. It is in the really small print and is just hard to concentrate on. The main character just complains all the time about how stupid everything is. I'm sure i'm going to have a wonderful time with this book. Not!!!!!!!

Don't forget, these aren't due till sunday at midnight so you might have to update my score Mrs. Conley.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries
Wednesday, November 9, 2005

The Bell Jar     4-1

While Esther's behavior improves,she gets moved up to the front of the building. Only the people who are close to getting out of the hospital go to there. Her friend who just moved there, is really wierd. She's very content to be where she is.

While there, Esther has some very wierd experiences such as, walking in on her new friend when she's doing things with another girl whose at the hospital also. She wonders what women see in other women to make them act as they do towards each other.

She has been getting electric shock treatments every day now, but they aren't like the first time. The doctor is very good and knows just what she's doing.After a while, Esther becomes almost normal.

She is allowed to have town priveleges, meaning that she can go shopping or to a movie or something along those lines. While in town one day she decides to get Fitted. I think that it means to get fixed so you can't have babies.

On another trip into town, she meets a guy whose named Irwin. He's a math teacher and very charming. Esther decides that she's going to seduce him. They go for coffee and drinks, then head up to his appartment. He doesn't know about her being in a hospital. They do their little thing and soon after, Esther is bleeding bad. Her friend from the hospital, now lives in the town alnog with a nurse who is there to help her. 

Irwin drives her over to her friends house and then leaves. Her friend, Joan, looks at her on the doorstep and couldn't see what was the matter until she saw the blood trickling down her legs. The nurse who was with Joan, wasn't with her at that time, so they began calling around to different hospitals and finally they got a hold of the local one.

Esther gets the help she needs and is back at the hospital she lives at. In the middle of the night she is woken by Joans doctor. The doctor asks if she had any idea where Joan might be because she's missing. Esther didn't have the slightest idea. The doctor tells her to go back to sleep and not ot worry about it.

The next morning, Esther wakes up to her own doctor in her room. Her doctor says that they have just found Joan. She was in the trees not to far away from the hospital. She wasn't alive though. She had hung herself and was dead.

Esther went to her funeral and not long after, she was checked out of the hospital. That's the end of the show folks! This book, I'd have to say is somewhat disturbing. I didn't really like it, but its one of those books that you need to finish. Oh well. Its over now!


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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries
Sunday, November 6, 2005

The Bell Jar      3-3

A famous writer had read about Esther in the newspaper and had written to her mother about volunteering to help her pay for a better hospital, one that she herself went to. Before Esther left however, a nurse was taking her temperature and set the tray with all of the thermometers on her bed by her feet. She kicked them off the bed and shattered them. She got into trouble and was taken out of the hospital for it, but snuck a little ball of mercury out with her.

The hospital  that she got to go to because of the writer, was very nice and she recieved a very nice room with soft heavy white blankets. She didn't have to many restrictions or anything there. In fact, she could do almost anything that she wanted. While she was there, she was given insullin treatments instead of electric-shock therapy. She was able to visit with alot of people there and play games all the time. Her behavior was well enough that she was able to be moved to a room that was closer to the entrance of the building.

While there, she met one of her previous friends who was put in the hospital for trying to kill herself also. They end up spending lots of time together.  

This book is really wierd and I haven't enjoyed very much of it. Thankfully, it is almost over. Another 30 minutes and it'll be gone!

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Bell Jar      3-3

A famous writer had read about Esther in the newspaper and had written to her mother about volunteering to help her pay for a better hospital, one that she herself went to. Before Esther left however, a nurse was taking her temperature and set the tray with all of the thermometers on her bed by her feet. She kicked them off the bed and shattered them. She got into trouble and was taken out of the hospital for it, but snuck a little ball of mercury out with her.

The hospital  that she got to go to because of the writer, was very nice and she recieved a very nice room with soft heavy white blankets. She didn't have to many restrictions or anything there. In fact, she could do almost anything that she wanted. While she was there, she was given insullin treatments instead of electric-shock therapy. She was able to visit with alot of people there and play games all the time. Her behavior was well enough that she was able to be moved to a room that was closer to the entrance of the building.

While there, she met one of her previous friends who was put in the hospital for trying to kill herself also. They end up spending lots of time together.  

This book is really wierd and I haven't enjoyed very much of it. Thankfully, it is almost over. Another 30 minutes and it'll be gone!

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries
Friday, November 4, 2005

The Bell Jar         3-2

She can hear herself moaning but can't see a thing. She feels something wrapped around her head but what it was, she didn't know, slowly she drifts back to sleep. She wakes up to a nurse shifting her around. She says a doctor is coming to see her now. The doctor comes and unwraps the gauze thats on her head. She can't open one eye yet so she sees with one.  He says she's fine and she's lucky she didn't die. Her mother comes in along with her brother who just finished his term of college. Her mother talks with the doctor and then she leaves the room.

Later, a younger nurse comes in. Esther asks if she can see amirror. The nurse says no but eventually gives in. The whole side of her face was swollen and red. She looked terrible. The hair was shaven of her head and everything. She liked the way she looked and smiled at herself in the mirror. Then she lets it drop to the ground. The nurse looks at her and then calls for the doctor. The doctor decides to move her to a different hospital, one made for lunnies and such.

She goes and doesn't like the place. She thinks it was her mom who got her in there and it would be her mom who got her out. Her mom agrees.  

Her mother is crazy. She's going to help her daughter, who just tried to kill herself, out of the protected hospital.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries

The Bell Jar   3-1

Esther, Is going crazy. She starts walking around with razors in her pocket waiting for a good time to kill herself. She keeps finding ways to do it but it seems to never work. She does this stuff when no ones around her because she doesn't want to get put in the nut house. She tries to hang herself once, but couldn't find a tall enough place with something to tie it to.

She goes back to her doctor and recieves electric shock treatments(as if they really work!). After that, they take her home. She goes to visit her deceased fathers grave and starts bawling when she sees the grave stone.

She makes up her mind then and there she was going to end her life whether it wants to or not.She goes home and brakes into her mothers locked box full of her new medication she just got refilled. She takes the pills and a glass of water down into the cellar. She finds a little nook in between some boxes and junk and hides in there and blocks the space so no one will find her until its to late. She takes as many pills she can until the effects start and knock her unconcious.

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Posted by: LeniLou    in: My entries