Entries "April 2006":

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Mockingbird 4-3

Dill ran away.  He took money from his Mother's purse, hopped on a train, and walked to Scout's house.  He said it wasn't because his parents didn't love him and didn't give him what he wanted, it was because they didn't want him around.  They wanted him to go outside and play with friends or with his toys, just as long as he wasn't around.  That is really sad.  I need to make sure to let kids feel wanted adn important.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
Mockingbird 4-2

Atticus and their Aunt fought becuase their aunt wants Calphurnia to go away. She believes the kids shouldn't learn from her because she is black.  That is a bunch of crap.  Even though Cal is black, she is very "white" in the pressence of whites.  She knows what is proper and what isn't.  atticus decided she stays no mater what, because Cal means so much to their family.  Good for him, is what I think.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
Sunday, April 2, 2006

Mockingbird 4-1

Aunt Alexandra wants Jem and Scout to act like a Finch.  She wants them to be just perfect and not to get into any trouble.  She says the finch name is a "Good Breed" of people.  Their dad goes along with it, but I think he doesn't really want his kids to be much different than who they are.  I think he is going to play some sort of trick.  Kids have to be kids and you can't expect them to be perfect while they are young.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries