Entries "March 2006":

Monday, March 27, 2006

Mockingbird 3-3

Summer for Atticus is going to be really hard, so Aunt Alexandra comes to live with Scout and Jem for a while.  She is another one who thinks they need to make Scout into a girl and she needs to act more lady like.  It's weird how adults criticize other's for how they raise they're children.  She will probably grow out of it eventualty andbecome very much like a girl.  I wasnt' a total tom-boy, but I sure changed into a girl as I grew up.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
Mockingbird 3-2

Scout and Jem were talking about there birthdays adn asked when Cal's was.  She said she didn't have a real one, but she made her's on Christmas because it was easier to remember.  She also said she doesn't really know how old she is.  she said this was very common for colored people.  Again, another thing I have never thought about but are very normal for other people.  It is so strange she doesn't know her age of birthday.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
Mockingbird 3-1

Only four out of the entire Colored people church can read.  Calphurnia and her son being two of them.  They learned how to read English from some random book they happened to get.  They then would teach their children out of some book.  I thought it amazing that no one else who was colored could read.  I know they don't have the oppportunity or time, but I guess I assumed they would learn it on their own.  This gave me a whole other thinking and I can't imagine not being able to read.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
Sunday, March 19, 2006

Mockingbird 2-3

The collection at Calphurnia's church that day went towards Tom Robison's wife while he is in jail.  This was the black man that Atticus is defending in court.  He was accused of raping one of the Ewell girls.  That family is a trach family so Atticus knows what he is doing is right, but the town doesn't neccessarily agree.  The priest said they needed ten dollars.  They weren't going to let them leave until they had it.  They even "suggested" that some people pay more.  They even single out some and pretty much forced them to donate.  That is not right.  It's not a donation if it's forced.  what kind of church would force people to pay money and in front of everyone?

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
Mockingbird 2-2

Atticus was away so the children went to church with Calphurnia.  She made them clean extra and had there clothes pretty much perfect.  She wanted everone to know she took care of her kids.  It was an all blacck church and one lady made them know they were not welcome, but everyone else enjoyed their company.  Tehy sang in a style of Lining.  One man read the line then everyone sang it.  They did this throughout the whole song.  I thought it a good way to sing even though they didn't have hymn books.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
Mockingbird 2-1

Jem was in trouble.  He had to go over to the mean old lady's house and read to her for two hours everyday.  Scout went with him for moral support.  She noticed she drooled a lot.  She then died because she was so sick.  Atticus told Jem how brave she was because of what she went through.  She had been given morphine for a pain reliever, but became addicted to it.  She wasn't going to die relying on something so she didn't take it anymore.  She mastered her goal.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
Mockingbird 1-3

The meaneat old lady in Jem and Scout's opinion lived just up the street from them.  She hollared and yelled at them every  time they passed.  She called Scout ugly and not a good girl, and Jem wasa not a gentleman.  She even said horrible things about their father to them.  She was really old and sick, but because she was so mean the kids didn't think so.  Jem distroyed all of her flowers to get back for what she said about his dad being a nigger-lover.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
Mockingbird 1-2

Jem and Scout are really disapointed in their father becuase they think he's boring and can't do anything.  Then they find out he used to be called One-Shot becasue it only took him one shot to kill something.  They also found out a bunch of other things that finally made them see how great their dad really was.  I just wonder why their dad didn't want them to know that.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries

Mockingbird  1-1

For Christmas the Finch's went to their relatives house.  I was surprised at how small teh family was.  My family Christmas parties are huge!  Well...the cousin closest to Scout called Scout's father a nigger-lover because he is defending one in court.  Scout didn't know what it meant but beat him up for it.  I think it smart for the dad to tell her not to defend him, and to just keep still, but I don't think the other kids should get away with mocking their elder.  I like how Scout feels that sense of loyalty towards her father.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
Sunday, March 12, 2006

Hiding place

Mockingbird  9-2

On the Radley's place there is a tree that has a hole in it.  As Scout and Jem would walk home from school they would find things in it.  They find gum, an old watch, soap dolls that replicate Scout and Jem, and other such random items.  They can't figure out who is leaving them these items, but I can tell it is Boo Radley.  They write a letter to thank who ever it is, but when they go to put it in, the hole is covered by cement.  Mr. Radley covered it because he said the tree was dying, but it wasn't.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
That Night

mockingbird  9-1

Jem wouldn't talk for a whole week after he went to fetch his pants.  Later he told Scout that his pants had been folded up ready for him to get them, and had been sewn where they were riped.  They have no idea who did it and who would know Jem would do.  It's so easy to figure out that it is Boo Radley who sewed his pants.  Mrs. Radley died so they think boo killed her.  Children's minds are so funny.  They hear a few rumors and pretty soon the whole thing is blown out of proportion.  Just because you never see someone doesn't mean he's a murderer.  It makes me realize that I need to not judge others just because they are different.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
Sunday, March 5, 2006

Almost Caught

Mockingbird  8-3

The boys decided they wanted to write a letter to Boo to come out and talk to them, but their dad catches them.  They then try to see inside of house.  Mr.  Radley saw them and shot his shotgun into the air.  Jem got stuck on the fence and just left his pants there.  Luckily Dill told a lie about where his pants were.  That happens in so many movies where theyhave to climb out of thier pants to run away.  I think it's a classical thing to makde someone almost get caught.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries

Mockingbird  8-2

Just for fun the children deside to play Boo Radley.  They get this whole story going on and their dad figures out what they are doing.  They get into trouble, but I don't see think what they were doing was neccessarily bad.  It wasnt' hurting anybody or anything.  Dill also asked Scout to marry him.  I thought it was so funny because they are just in elementry.  He is also a typical boy because the rest of the summer he and Jem ignored Scout and kept saying she acted too much like a girl.  It is funny to think about all the differences between guys and girls, and it's fun to read about conflicts similar to your own. 

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries

Mockingbird  8-1

School finaly ended and Dill came back for the summer.  The children got into another discusion about the Radley's and Scout said something against Jem.  Well...for revenge when Scout got into a tire to be pushed around, Jem pushed her across the street.  Scout crashed in front of teh Radley's steps.  She was so scared she just rad away.  She said that she had heard someone inside the house laughing.  seh made a huge deal about it, but I bet Boo Radley happened to be watching and thought it was funny when she crashed.  Kids are so funny how they make a big deal  about little things.  I remember the days when I ws like that.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries