Entries "February 2006":

Sunday, February 26, 2006



Scout, the main little girl, goes to her first day of school and her teacher doesn't like her because she already knows how to read and write.  Miss Caroline told Scout that she is not allowed to be taught by her father.  This makes her really upset, but her father and she work out a compromise.  I think her teacher was a little jealous that this girl was already so smart.  I think she didn't want her dad to teach her because it would defeat the pupose of her job.  You would think that a teacher would encourage outside learning so they would have to do everything.  This book really emphasized some of the differences between now and then.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries


Maycomb is the little town that this story takes place.  It kind of reminds me of Tooele because everyone knows everyone.  People are always in each others business, and if someone isn't just like everyone else, they are condidered scary.  The Radley's are the "scary" people in this story and Jem and Scout, who live across the street, are afraid of them.  So many rumors are spread about the Radley's I wonder how many of them are true.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
The Beginning

To Kill a Mocking bird  7-1

The beginning jumped right into the story and it was hard to follow at first.  I started spouting out all the characters and I didn't know what it was talking about.  Finally I understood there is a boy adn girl who live with their dad and thier servant, Calphurnia.  There mom died when the little girl was two so she said she didn't miss her at all.  I thought it was sad not to miss your own mother because you never got to know her.  It would be so hard for me if one of my parents died becuase both of them teach me everything I need to know, but in different ways.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
Tuesday, February 21, 2006


The Promise  6-3

At the carnival they start to play this gambling game.  They keep getting offered a better price which makes the cost of the game go up, but they keep on playing because they are sooooo close to winning.  The owner of the game comes and tells the Micheal and his cousin's boyfriend they are in good hands so they play a few more times until they lose all their money and don't win.  They had indeed won but were cheated.  I've learned not to gamble.  For this specific story and from playing a stock market game.  There is no skill involved and you can't control the out come.  I kind of felt bad for them getting cheated, but I knew it would happen.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries

The Promise  6-2

One of the characters is Micheal, a typical teenage boy.  I did not like this character at all, and didn't enjoy hearing about his selfish attitude.  He was worse than a typical teenager becasue he was given the stereotype as a nerd, but acted like he had all the power in the world.  He was a puck kid trying to get whatever he wanted with the appearance of a shy, smart guy.  I didn't like how he was able to get his cousin to do waht ever he wanted and she had no power at all.  That just isn't right because nomally the older has a small amout of power over the younger. 

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
The beginning

The Promise  6-1

This book has a very slow beginning and doesn't suck you in  so you want to keep reading.  I had trouble feeling what the characters were feeling.  Therefore, I couldn't relate to the story like I would have wanted.  I didn't like how the story opened up driving to a carnival.  The characters didn't like carnivals or rollercaosters, an d I did not agree with them at all. 

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
Friday, February 10, 2006

The End

Huck  5-3

Tom finally came to, and told there Aunt teh whole story because he thought that Jim had gone free.  His other Aunt then walked in and told who each boy really was.  so now they were in trouble and in a loop with Jim being caught again.  Then Tom told Huck that Jim's owner had died and set Jim free in her will so everything worked out just fine.  Aunt Sally wanted to civilize Huck, but he had already tried that once.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries

Huck  5-2

The doctor went to take care of Tom, but Huck had to stay on land.  He ran into his "uncle" who made him go home immediately.  The next day the doctor came home with Tom who wasn't doing good at all, and Jim who was in chains.  Jim was treated really badly until the doctor said that Jim was the one who helped take care of Tom. 

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries

Huck  5-1

On the night of the escape a bunch of men with guns are there to make sure Jim can't get out.  They crawl out of the hole adn start to run away.  Tom makes some noise ao the men start shooting.  They let the dogs out but they just sniffed Tom and Huck and kept on running eventually they got to the raft and realized the Tom had been shot in the leg, so Huck went to get a doctor.  I'm glad the action was a little more exciting now and it's moving a lot faster. 

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries
Sunday, February 5, 2006


Huck  4-3

Tom says they have to put up marks and signs of warning and they need to write a letter to the family.  The letters they write them tell the family when the breakaway will happen.  I wonder why they did this because how are they going to escape now?  They told them exactly when to be on the lookout.  I still do not understand the mind of an idiot I guess.  Tom also has the brillent idea that he needs to pretend to be Jim's mother.  Then in the breakout, Jim puts on his mothers dress and they all escape.  I have no idea why they would need to wear woman's clothing to break out of jail.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries

Huck 4-2

Tom and Huck finally decide to dig Jim out with a shovel and pick.  They now had a whole into Jim's room, but they still made things difficult.  They would hide things in people's clothing and Jim would have to steal it.  They also decided Jim needed to carve something on a big rock.  The rock was too heavy for them however, so Jim came outside and carried the rock back into his prison.  How random!  JIm could have ran away just like that.  He was free, but decided to go back in and preform the breakaway correctly.

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries

Huck Finn  4-1

Huck and Tom go about stealing a bunch of items from Aunt Sally that Tom says they need to break Jim out of prison.  They are trying to get a lot of glory from this breakout, but I see how they would get glory from a difficult breakout that they made difficult in the first place.  This book was full of adventure, but now it's dragging and getting really boring.  I mean how long can Tom keep talking about why they need to dig Jim out with case knives?  This part of the book is really annoying. 

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Posted by: Cute-stuff    in: My entries

Modified on February 5, 2006 at 9:33 PM